Haven't read Part 1 yet? You can find it here.
It was late in the evening when Stephen Hayward unlocked the front door and stepped inside the warm entryway, dropping his luggage and shaking the snow off his coat and shoes. He hated having to leave the family holiday early, but he had the Bar exam to prepare for, and knew if he didn’t pass the first time that his father would be sorely disappointed in him.
After dropping his bags off in his bedroom he headed to the kitchen to make a sandwich, and found a note from Mrs. Allenton on the counter saying that she already had one prepared for him in the refrigerator. He’d called to let her know he was on the way, and she’d obviously done what she could to make his arrival pleasant.
He grabbed the sandwich and poured himself a glass of milk, then headed back up to his suite. The small room adjoining his bedroom had been converted from a sitting room into a cozy office. He put his snack down on the desk, and rummaged around for his laptop. He caught up on emails while he ate, and then unpacked his bags. After a nice hot shower he glanced at the clock and figured it was too late to get much of anything done, so he opted to head to bed, and get an early start in the morning.
The next morning, Stephen went down to the kitchen and ran into Mrs. Allenton who was cleaning up after the staff breakfast.
“Stephen!” she exclaimed, and came around to give the young man a hug. He returned the hug fondly. “Miss Betty” - as she was known to the staff and the Hayward children - had worked for the family for decades, and he’d gotten to think of her as a grandmother figure.
“Come come…let me cook you up some breakfast,” she sat him down, and he knew it was useless to protest. Not to mention her cooking was top notch, and he’d be crazy to turn down a hot breakfast. Once it was ready, she served it to him at the kitchen table, and she had him catch her up on what everyone was up to. As they chatted, she mentioned that if he needed anything, to let her or the other staff know.
“Really, Miss Betty, I’m good with just getting my meals with everyone else, and helping clean up where need be. I don’t want to be a bother to anyone, and don’t expect any special treatment. Honestly, I’ll probably just spend most of my time in my office.”
She smiled at him fondly. As the baby of the family, he was always the sweetest and most humble of the six Hayward children. She patted his hand, “Of course, dear…whatever you choose. We do breakfast together at six o’clock except for Sundays because the staff likes to sleep in. Everyone is on their own for lunch, and then we have dinner at seven if you’d like to join us. There are only six others here besides the Mr. and myself, so the house should be nice and quiet for you.”
Stephen finished up his breakfast, and wiped his mouth, “That sounds great, Miss Betty, thank you for breakfast! It was delicious as usual.” He stood and gave her a fond kiss on the cheek, and took his plates over to the sink.
She shooed him away, “I’ll take care of those, Stephen… you just go study.”
So for the rest of the morning, he did just that. And after grabbing a quick bite at lunch from the empty kitchen, he planned on doing the same that afternoon.
Stephen was deep into his studies when he heard a loud *thump* over his head, followed by some tinkles of laughter that traveled down the air vents. He glanced up curiously, but since the house was sadly devoid of ghosts he figured it must just be some of the staff up in the attic cleaning, or maybe messing around. Lord knew there was enough junk up there to go through.
But when the giggles turned into gasps, moans, and squeals, his curiosity was piqued. He went downstairs to the library, rummaged in the desk drawer for the flashlight he kept there, and walked over to the shelves on the far wall. He pressed in a piece of the inlay and heard the familiar snick of the hidden latch releasing. He tugged on the shelves, and a small portion swung free revealing a hidden landing with one set of stairs heading down into the cellar, and the other stair up into the attic.
He had discovered the hidden staircase when he got in trouble for playing a nasty prank on his cousin Phoebe during a family reunion when he was 12. He’d been banished to library by his mother, and decided it would be the perfect time to hunt for the secret passageway he’d been told existed, but had never found.
He had begun to deduce its location first by knocking on the walls between the bookshelves, and listening for where it sounded hollow. From there, he’d removed shelves of books looking for a switch, but couldn’t find anything. It was purely by chance that as he was up on one of the ladders he momentarily lost his balance and grabbed for the side of the shelves. His hand had hit the inlay piece, and the hidden door popped open.
It was through this doorway that Stephen now headed, and he flicked on the flashlight as he pulled the door closed behind him. He trained the light on the stairs and headed up; skipping the stair he’d marked years ago with an “X” as it had a terrible squeak.
He got to the top of the stairs, and slowly opened the door at the top, hoping the hinges wouldn’t give him away, but was relieved when they worked silently. He closed it gently behind him, and turned to behold one of the loveliest sights he’d ever seen.
The bed was decorated as if out of a fairy tale, but it was the two naked sirens that occupied it that gave it its true beauty. He couldn’t get the clearest view through the filmy drapes that surrounded the bed, but he knew that the reclining red head with the milk white skin was Sophie, and the other girl kneeling between her legs with the dark curly hair and flawless cafĂ© au lait colored skin was Alma. The two girls had been friendly ever since Alma had been hired the year before; he simply hadn’t realized just how friendly they were.
Alma had one of Sophie’s nipples in her mouth, and was sucking it lightly. She released it with a *pop*, and flicked her tongue over the delicate pink nub, while her fingers snaked up to tweak the other. Slowly Alma kissed her way down Sophie’s taut torso, and then drove her face with gusto between her lover’s legs.
Sophie let out a cry, and twined one hand through Alma’s curls, as she squeezed one of her breasts with the other. Stephen had a tantalizing view of Alma’s ample ass and wet pussy, and he shifted on his feet as his cock began to strain against his pants.
Sophie made a mewling noise that only Alma could recognize, as the other girl promptly shifted around so that they were in a 69 position. Sophie wrapped her arms around Alma’s waist, and pulled the girl’s pussy down to her mouth. They had shifted so that Stephen couldn’t really see any action in detail, but the sounds the girls were making, and the smell of their sex that wafted over to him was enough to make him uncomfortably hard.
He recalled how Sophie in particular sounded a certain way when she came. He knew, because this wasn’t the first time he’d been privy to watching her in action.
A couple of years prior, he’d headed down to the pool for a late night swim. As he approached the cabana, he noticed the light was on, and heard the unmistakable sound of two people fucking. He’d gone to the side of the building and peered through the window to see Sophie up against the wall, her arms and legs wrapped around Rob, who was one of the gardeners.
Stephen heard the squelching noises as Rob drove his hardness into her pink pussy. If not for the ecstatic look on her face, you’d almost think from her cries that he was hurting her. As she came, she bit into Rob’s shoulder to stifle her little screams, and shuddered violently against him. She then urged him to let her down, and when he did she dropped to her knees and greedily took his thick cock in her mouth, looking up into his eyes as he grabbed her head and fucked her mouth.
Then to his surprise, Sophie’s eyes shifted in his direction, and she winked. She cocked a finger in his direction, urging him to join them. He shook his head slightly in reply…but he didn’t leave, either.
Rob finally came with a groan, and Stephen watched as Sophie swallowed his entire load, then sat back on her heels and licked her lips like a satisfied kitten. At that point Stephen had crept off back to his room where he could jack off in peace.
He was brought back to the present when Sophie let out her signature scream. He didn’t know what Alma was doing to her, but he noticed her renew her efforts between Alma’s legs until she let out a cry of her own. The two girls held onto each tightly, riding out their orgasms, the bed shaking but making very little noise as it was built so incredibly sturdy.
Stephen realized at that point that his chances of getting caught were increasing with every second, so he quietly beat a retreat. Once he was back in his room, he undressed and got in the shower. He put some conditioner into his hand, and as the warm water cascaded over him, he slowly began to get himself off. As he stroked his cock with one hand, he fondled his ball sac with the other, fantasizing that one of the girls was sucking his cock as the other one tongued his balls.
It wasn’t long before he came with a groan, watching his cum paint the shower wall. He rinsed it off, and then stood a few minutes under the stream before getting out, drying off, and putting his clothes back on. It was a pleasant break, but he knew he really did need to get back to studying.
That night at dinner he joined the staff around the table. He noticed Sophie and Alma exchanging glances, and then Alma looked over at him with her gorgeous pale green eyes, and suppressed a smile.
Had he been caught again? Part of him was embarrassed, but another part held out some hope that he had, and that maybe next time he’d be asked to join them…
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
The Attic - Part I
It was the dead of winter, and the Hayward family had gone to warmer climes leaving the manor house in the capable hands of the caretakers, Mr. and Mrs. Allenton. They in turn had handpicked which of the servants would be staying at the house during the slow season. Sophie and Alma were two of the staff that was chosen.
They were darling girls…young, hard working, and cheerful. Off season was considered a bit of a bonus, as they had the huge house to themselves, had lots of time to kill due to reduced workload, but were still getting full pay. Once the day’s work was complete – usually before lunch – the staff was left to their own devices.
One afternoon the two girls were in the library, poring through the books. Sophie flopped into one of the chairs, “I’m bored.”
Alma sighed, “I am too…I’ve done more reading the past two weeks than I have in my whole life. I’m not used to having all this free time.”
Sophie looked over at her friend, “Have you ever been up in the attic?”
Alma perked up, “No, I haven’t! I bet there’s all kinds of interesting things up there…do you want to go explore?”
The two girls ran up the stairs to the third level and down the long hallway to the end of the east wing, where the door to the attic was located. It opened with a creak and Alma felt around for a light switch.
“Ah, here it is,” she muttered, and flicked it on. Another switch at the top of the stairs illuminated a bright string of lights that stretched the length of the attic. The girls gasped at the wealth of boxes, trunks, old furniture, and other detritus from generations of Haywards.
Alma laughed, “This is amazing! Where would we even begin?”
Sophie pointed at a rack full of old dresses, “Look at those beautiful gowns! Let’s start there.”
They wove their way through the maze of stuff, and when they got to the rack, they fingered the lush materials. “I can’t believe they just leave these up here to rot,” Alma said in amazement.
Sophie let out a little snort, “I can. These rich people think nothing of letting things go to waste. I mean…just look at all these things – beautiful things – discarded up here like they were garbage.”
Alma looked a bit hurt, “Aww…don’t talk that way, Soph…the Haywards have been so good to us.”
Sophie sighed, “You're right, Sweets,” she knelt in front of a trunk, and popped the lid up, “Alma, look at this!”
She peeked over and let out a little squeal, “Look at all that jewelry! Oh…it just sparkles!”
For the next hour or so they played dress-up like two little girls, twirling around in the fancy dresses, and accessorizing with the costume jewelry they’d found in the small trunk. As Sophie shoved some of the dresses aside, something on the other side of the rack piqued her interest. Tucked back in a corner of the attic was a huge bedstead; the kind that was so far off the ground that there were little sets of stairs on either side to get into it. It was made of heavy dark wood, with a huge canopy over it.
“Alma! Come see!” Sophie bounded through the dresses over to the bed. Her friend followed, and they gawped at huge piece of furniture.
Alma giggled, “Oh my goodness!”
Sophie put her arm around her friend’s waist and murmured, “Imagine the fun we could have on that…”
Alma went up and bounced on it, only to come away coughing, “It’s all dusty though…we’d need to find clean bedding.”
Sophie nodded, “Let’s look through some of these trunks over by it. Maybe there are some usable linens in them.”
The girls began to rummage through the piles of trunks and boxes, and found lots of things…sheets, a big feather stuffed duvet, a number of silk scarves and sheer drapes, and lots of pretty throw pillows. With all of this they planned on making a little haven for themselves.
They bundled up the bedding and brought it down to the laundry. They washed and dried the sheets, and took the duvet outside to air out in the chilly air. Once everything was clean and fresh, they gathered it up and took it back upstairs.
Once the bed was made, they attached gaudy brooches to the ends of the scarves, and hung them from the canopy supports. Alma found some Christmas lights that she strung around, and after hunting for a plug, let out a little whoop of victory as the lights came on making the rhinestones twinkle.
Sophie fluffed up the pillows and hung the drapes around the sides, and in no time the bed had been transformed into a lovely bower. The girls stood with arms linked, and looked proudly at what they created.
“It just needs one more thing,” Sophie proclaimed.
Alma looked over at her, “And that would be?”
Sophie turned her head and nuzzled her friend’s neck, “You, lying naked on top of it.”
Alma blushed and giggled, and kissed the other girl, “Maybe tomorrow…it’s time for dinner.”
“Why eat dinner when I could eat you up instead?”
“Sophie…I’m hungry! Tomorrow, OK?”
Sophie laughed, and bit the other girl’s neck lightly, “Anything for you, sweetness. And you’re right, I’m hungry too, let’s go eat.”
They were darling girls…young, hard working, and cheerful. Off season was considered a bit of a bonus, as they had the huge house to themselves, had lots of time to kill due to reduced workload, but were still getting full pay. Once the day’s work was complete – usually before lunch – the staff was left to their own devices.
One afternoon the two girls were in the library, poring through the books. Sophie flopped into one of the chairs, “I’m bored.”
Alma sighed, “I am too…I’ve done more reading the past two weeks than I have in my whole life. I’m not used to having all this free time.”
Sophie looked over at her friend, “Have you ever been up in the attic?”
Alma perked up, “No, I haven’t! I bet there’s all kinds of interesting things up there…do you want to go explore?”
The two girls ran up the stairs to the third level and down the long hallway to the end of the east wing, where the door to the attic was located. It opened with a creak and Alma felt around for a light switch.
“Ah, here it is,” she muttered, and flicked it on. Another switch at the top of the stairs illuminated a bright string of lights that stretched the length of the attic. The girls gasped at the wealth of boxes, trunks, old furniture, and other detritus from generations of Haywards.
Alma laughed, “This is amazing! Where would we even begin?”
Sophie pointed at a rack full of old dresses, “Look at those beautiful gowns! Let’s start there.”
They wove their way through the maze of stuff, and when they got to the rack, they fingered the lush materials. “I can’t believe they just leave these up here to rot,” Alma said in amazement.
Sophie let out a little snort, “I can. These rich people think nothing of letting things go to waste. I mean…just look at all these things – beautiful things – discarded up here like they were garbage.”
Alma looked a bit hurt, “Aww…don’t talk that way, Soph…the Haywards have been so good to us.”
Sophie sighed, “You're right, Sweets,” she knelt in front of a trunk, and popped the lid up, “Alma, look at this!”
She peeked over and let out a little squeal, “Look at all that jewelry! Oh…it just sparkles!”
For the next hour or so they played dress-up like two little girls, twirling around in the fancy dresses, and accessorizing with the costume jewelry they’d found in the small trunk. As Sophie shoved some of the dresses aside, something on the other side of the rack piqued her interest. Tucked back in a corner of the attic was a huge bedstead; the kind that was so far off the ground that there were little sets of stairs on either side to get into it. It was made of heavy dark wood, with a huge canopy over it.
“Alma! Come see!” Sophie bounded through the dresses over to the bed. Her friend followed, and they gawped at huge piece of furniture.
Alma giggled, “Oh my goodness!”
Sophie put her arm around her friend’s waist and murmured, “Imagine the fun we could have on that…”
Alma went up and bounced on it, only to come away coughing, “It’s all dusty though…we’d need to find clean bedding.”
Sophie nodded, “Let’s look through some of these trunks over by it. Maybe there are some usable linens in them.”
The girls began to rummage through the piles of trunks and boxes, and found lots of things…sheets, a big feather stuffed duvet, a number of silk scarves and sheer drapes, and lots of pretty throw pillows. With all of this they planned on making a little haven for themselves.
They bundled up the bedding and brought it down to the laundry. They washed and dried the sheets, and took the duvet outside to air out in the chilly air. Once everything was clean and fresh, they gathered it up and took it back upstairs.
Once the bed was made, they attached gaudy brooches to the ends of the scarves, and hung them from the canopy supports. Alma found some Christmas lights that she strung around, and after hunting for a plug, let out a little whoop of victory as the lights came on making the rhinestones twinkle.
Sophie fluffed up the pillows and hung the drapes around the sides, and in no time the bed had been transformed into a lovely bower. The girls stood with arms linked, and looked proudly at what they created.
“It just needs one more thing,” Sophie proclaimed.
Alma looked over at her, “And that would be?”
Sophie turned her head and nuzzled her friend’s neck, “You, lying naked on top of it.”
Alma blushed and giggled, and kissed the other girl, “Maybe tomorrow…it’s time for dinner.”
“Why eat dinner when I could eat you up instead?”
“Sophie…I’m hungry! Tomorrow, OK?”
Sophie laughed, and bit the other girl’s neck lightly, “Anything for you, sweetness. And you’re right, I’m hungry too, let’s go eat.”
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Vignettes - The Colors of Me
I hesitate when people ask me what my favorite colors are. There’s nothing unusual about them, except for the reasons why they are my favorites, and those reasons make them hard to explain to just anyone.
Red, for instance…how do I explain to someone that I love red because it’s the shade of my ass after he has worked it over with his hands? Or purple…for the bruises the cuffs leave on my ankles and wrists?
And then there’s black…it’s the color of the blindfold he uses on me sometimes. Or brown, which is the hue of the ropes he binds me with. Or the white of the candles whose wax he likes to dribble down my breasts to sting my nipples.
But mostly I love silver…for the collar he’s fastened around my neck with a padlock engraved with a single word…”MINE”.
Mine. A word that sends shivers down my spine. Like when he’s fucking me from behind, and leans in to growl “You are mine.” into my ear, to which I always affirm with a shudder of pleasure and a whispered “Yes, Sir!”
I love him and I love to be possessed by him. To turn my body over to him to use as he sees fit, trusting he will respect my boundaries and see to my pleasure, all the while knowing that he would never do anything to really hurt me.
And he is more than just my Sir. He is my lover, my teacher, my protector, and nothing makes me happier than to make him proud of me, and hear him call me his good girl.
You see, with him I am free to be exactly what I want to be. He accepts me as I am, with all my flaws and eccentricities…and he encourages me to overcome my fears, to expand my boundaries both mentally and physically, and to strive to be everything I’m capable of.
I love the colors that I do, because they are the colors I use to define us. And our partnership means everything to me.

And then there’s black…it’s the color of the blindfold he uses on me sometimes. Or brown, which is the hue of the ropes he binds me with. Or the white of the candles whose wax he likes to dribble down my breasts to sting my nipples.
But mostly I love silver…for the collar he’s fastened around my neck with a padlock engraved with a single word…”MINE”.
Mine. A word that sends shivers down my spine. Like when he’s fucking me from behind, and leans in to growl “You are mine.” into my ear, to which I always affirm with a shudder of pleasure and a whispered “Yes, Sir!”
I love him and I love to be possessed by him. To turn my body over to him to use as he sees fit, trusting he will respect my boundaries and see to my pleasure, all the while knowing that he would never do anything to really hurt me.
And he is more than just my Sir. He is my lover, my teacher, my protector, and nothing makes me happier than to make him proud of me, and hear him call me his good girl.
You see, with him I am free to be exactly what I want to be. He accepts me as I am, with all my flaws and eccentricities…and he encourages me to overcome my fears, to expand my boundaries both mentally and physically, and to strive to be everything I’m capable of.
I love the colors that I do, because they are the colors I use to define us. And our partnership means everything to me.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Vignettes - Friday Tryst
My company was bolstering the electrical service in my building in order to add more computer labs. For this work they were bringing in extra contractors to run additional cabling and such. I don’t know all the details…I’m hardly an expert on electrical work.
But I am an expert on handsome guys, and one of the contractors was seriously good looking. He was tall, brawny, with short dark hair and a neatly trimmed beard. And the t-shirts and nicely fitting jeans he wore didn’t leave much to the imagination.
As I was in and out of the server room where they were working, I had lots of good opportunities to check him out. While he was up on a ladder, down working under the floor, and one time I even ran right into him while going around a corner. He grabbed my arm to steady me, and I laughed and apologized. He smiled, and we went our different directions. But after that I noticed that when I’d go into the server room that he would pay a bit more attention to me. He’d say hello, or hold the door for me, things like that.
We’d just gotten in a shipment of spare parts, and as it was my job to maintain the inventory, I was spending a lot of time in the storage room in that area. I had a lot to unpack and record, so to help with the monotony I had my MP3 player set to play a collection of boppy dance tunes that I liked.
The store room was towards the back of the large server room. There was no equipment in that area yet, so there was lots of open floor. Thinking I was alone back there I busted out some moves during a favorite song. When I was done, I was appalled to hear the sound of someone clapping. I spun around, and to my chagrin it was my handsome electrician.
Blushing furiously, I popped out my ear buds, “I didn’t think anyone else was back here.”
He grinned, “Sorry to interrupt, but we’re running some connections back here, and I need to get under your dance floor.”
I ducked my head and scooted quickly back to my store room. I was so embarrassed! I turned the music back up and buried myself in my work. I was in the process of moving some large power supplies into the store room, and didn’t notice him standing in the doorway until I turned around. Startled, I let out a little squeak.
Now slightly annoyed, I removed my ear buds again, “Can I help you with something?”
“Actually, I was going to ask you that. Those look heavy…do you want some assistance with them?”
At this point I got a bit defensive, “No thanks, I’ve got this.”
To prove my point I brushed past him, hauled up two more of the power supplies, and carried them into the room setting them down gently with the others. When I turned around he was in the doorway again, with a sly smile on his face.
“I guess you do. So, is there anything else I could help you with?”
“Don’t you have your own work to do?”
He shrugged, “I’m on break,” he kicked up the door stop and came into the windowless room. The door could only be opened from the outside with an access badge, and my co-worker had the only other one…and he was out for day.
I glanced down at his badge, and saw that his name was Ron, “Uh…Ron…what are you doing?”
He chuckled, “Oh c’mon…I know you’ve been checking me out. And I know this because I’ve been doing the same with you,” he walked up to where I was standing, and brushed my hair out of my eyes, “I’ve been thinking about some way to get you alone, and it looks like I’ve finally gotten the opportunity."
My heart was beating so hard, and my breathing had become shallow. Thoughts of him touching me with those rough hands had me all aflutter. Trying to appear calm I asked, “So what were you planning to do with it?”
He gave me a feral grin, “I was thinking that after I kissed you until you were weak in the knees, that I’d like to bend you over that table over there, and fuck you until you see stars.”
I laughed nervously, “Well, at least you’re honest.”
We looked at each other for a beat, and he lowered his head while I raised mine. When he wrapped his arms around me I was done for...he pulled me tight against him, and kissed me hard, his tongue nudging my lips apart and snaking into my mouth. I groaned and kissed him back with equal fervor.
His hands slid under my shirt, and expertly unhooked my bra. He pushed me against the wall, and his hands kneaded my breasts as he continued to kiss me. He pinched my nipples, causing me to gasp, and as he rolled them between his fingers, he moved his mouth down to my neck, letting out a growl.
I pulled his shirt out of his jeans, and let my hands roam over his slightly furry chest. He grabbed one of them, and put it on the front of his jeans. Taking the hint, I unbuttoned his fly and slipped my hand into his boxers. I stroked his length, and he bit down on my neck in reply.
I broke away, and slid down his body. I wanted to do more than touch him at this point. I pulled his jeans and shorts down to release his gorgeous cock, and didn’t waste any time taking him in my mouth. I circled his head with my tongue, then ran it down the underside. His scent was heady…musky and manly, and I savored it as I sucked on first one of his balls then the other.
He twined his fingers in my hair, and guided my mouth gently back to his cock. I sucked him for a few minutes, bobbing my head and hollowing my cheeks for maximum suction. I took him in until his head hit the back of my palate, and then I slowly began to take him down my throat. After a few minutes of massaging him with some swallowing motions, he let out a moan, and moved away.
He grabbed me up, spun me around, and walked me over to the worktable. I undid my jeans, and he pulled them down roughly, taking my panties along with them. He reached around and delved his fingers between my legs, finding me wet and ready. He stroked my clit until my breathing became ragged. I rolled my hips back up against him, and he chuckled.
“Just like a little bitch in heat, aren’t you?” he whispered in my ear. I shuddered a little and he commanded, “Bend over.”
I did as I was told, and he grabbed onto my hips. The plush length of his cock slid along my pussy a few times getting nice and slick, and then I felt it against my opening. I pushed back a bit to slot it in place, and he thrust forward then, spearing me on his length. His fat cock stretched me open, and I mewled as he began to piston it brutally inside me.
I grabbed the far edge of the table and let him take me as he wished. It felt so good, and I was more than happy to let him do all the work. He punctuated his thrusts with an occasional swat on my ass, and I reacted by wiggling it back up against him.
“Oh, you like it rough, don’t you?” he observed, “We might have some fun with that.”
His words caused another rush of moisture to release from inside me, and I bucked back against him, “Oh yesss,” I hissed, “I’d like that very much.”
His strokes became faster, and his fingers moved back between my legs to stroke my clit. I let out a little cry, and clenched my pussy tightly around him. He groaned, and leaned over me, doubling his efforts, and I was amazed at his stamina.
Amazement turned to bliss however, as the climax that had been building inside me finally exploded. I don’t remember doing so, but I must have made quite a racket, as he clamped his hand over my mouth to quiet me down, and surprised me by pinching my nose closed.
He continued to plunder me with his cock, and found myself struggling against him for air, but then calmed as he shushed me. I started to get a bit lightheaded, but between that feeling, his fucking me so relentlessly, and the way he stroked my clit, I felt another orgasm building. When this one hit, it was even stronger than the first, and I noticed little sparks dancing in front of my eyes. My pussy pulsated around his length, and he let go of my nose and mouth as he let out a grunt, and with a final thrust came deep inside of me.
I collapsed panting on the table, only to have him pull me up by my hair, and sit me down in a nearby chair. He held his cock with one hand, and with the other he urged my head forward. I hungrily took him into my mouth, tasting our combined juices, and spent a few moments sucking and licking him clean. He reluctantly moved away and quickly put his cock back into his pants and zipped them up, then leaned over and gave me one last soft kiss.
“I’ll be by your desk later to get your number, but I gotta go…break time is over,” he said as he opened the door and slipped out. I stayed in the chair a few more minutes, relishing the soreness I felt between my legs from his assault, and a little smile curled my lips. If only every Friday could be this good.
But I am an expert on handsome guys, and one of the contractors was seriously good looking. He was tall, brawny, with short dark hair and a neatly trimmed beard. And the t-shirts and nicely fitting jeans he wore didn’t leave much to the imagination.
As I was in and out of the server room where they were working, I had lots of good opportunities to check him out. While he was up on a ladder, down working under the floor, and one time I even ran right into him while going around a corner. He grabbed my arm to steady me, and I laughed and apologized. He smiled, and we went our different directions. But after that I noticed that when I’d go into the server room that he would pay a bit more attention to me. He’d say hello, or hold the door for me, things like that.
We’d just gotten in a shipment of spare parts, and as it was my job to maintain the inventory, I was spending a lot of time in the storage room in that area. I had a lot to unpack and record, so to help with the monotony I had my MP3 player set to play a collection of boppy dance tunes that I liked.
The store room was towards the back of the large server room. There was no equipment in that area yet, so there was lots of open floor. Thinking I was alone back there I busted out some moves during a favorite song. When I was done, I was appalled to hear the sound of someone clapping. I spun around, and to my chagrin it was my handsome electrician.
Blushing furiously, I popped out my ear buds, “I didn’t think anyone else was back here.”
He grinned, “Sorry to interrupt, but we’re running some connections back here, and I need to get under your dance floor.”
I ducked my head and scooted quickly back to my store room. I was so embarrassed! I turned the music back up and buried myself in my work. I was in the process of moving some large power supplies into the store room, and didn’t notice him standing in the doorway until I turned around. Startled, I let out a little squeak.
Now slightly annoyed, I removed my ear buds again, “Can I help you with something?”
“Actually, I was going to ask you that. Those look heavy…do you want some assistance with them?”
At this point I got a bit defensive, “No thanks, I’ve got this.”
To prove my point I brushed past him, hauled up two more of the power supplies, and carried them into the room setting them down gently with the others. When I turned around he was in the doorway again, with a sly smile on his face.
“I guess you do. So, is there anything else I could help you with?”
“Don’t you have your own work to do?”
He shrugged, “I’m on break,” he kicked up the door stop and came into the windowless room. The door could only be opened from the outside with an access badge, and my co-worker had the only other one…and he was out for day.
I glanced down at his badge, and saw that his name was Ron, “Uh…Ron…what are you doing?”
He chuckled, “Oh c’mon…I know you’ve been checking me out. And I know this because I’ve been doing the same with you,” he walked up to where I was standing, and brushed my hair out of my eyes, “I’ve been thinking about some way to get you alone, and it looks like I’ve finally gotten the opportunity."
My heart was beating so hard, and my breathing had become shallow. Thoughts of him touching me with those rough hands had me all aflutter. Trying to appear calm I asked, “So what were you planning to do with it?”
He gave me a feral grin, “I was thinking that after I kissed you until you were weak in the knees, that I’d like to bend you over that table over there, and fuck you until you see stars.”
I laughed nervously, “Well, at least you’re honest.”
We looked at each other for a beat, and he lowered his head while I raised mine. When he wrapped his arms around me I was done for...he pulled me tight against him, and kissed me hard, his tongue nudging my lips apart and snaking into my mouth. I groaned and kissed him back with equal fervor.
His hands slid under my shirt, and expertly unhooked my bra. He pushed me against the wall, and his hands kneaded my breasts as he continued to kiss me. He pinched my nipples, causing me to gasp, and as he rolled them between his fingers, he moved his mouth down to my neck, letting out a growl.
I pulled his shirt out of his jeans, and let my hands roam over his slightly furry chest. He grabbed one of them, and put it on the front of his jeans. Taking the hint, I unbuttoned his fly and slipped my hand into his boxers. I stroked his length, and he bit down on my neck in reply.
I broke away, and slid down his body. I wanted to do more than touch him at this point. I pulled his jeans and shorts down to release his gorgeous cock, and didn’t waste any time taking him in my mouth. I circled his head with my tongue, then ran it down the underside. His scent was heady…musky and manly, and I savored it as I sucked on first one of his balls then the other.
He twined his fingers in my hair, and guided my mouth gently back to his cock. I sucked him for a few minutes, bobbing my head and hollowing my cheeks for maximum suction. I took him in until his head hit the back of my palate, and then I slowly began to take him down my throat. After a few minutes of massaging him with some swallowing motions, he let out a moan, and moved away.
He grabbed me up, spun me around, and walked me over to the worktable. I undid my jeans, and he pulled them down roughly, taking my panties along with them. He reached around and delved his fingers between my legs, finding me wet and ready. He stroked my clit until my breathing became ragged. I rolled my hips back up against him, and he chuckled.
“Just like a little bitch in heat, aren’t you?” he whispered in my ear. I shuddered a little and he commanded, “Bend over.”
I did as I was told, and he grabbed onto my hips. The plush length of his cock slid along my pussy a few times getting nice and slick, and then I felt it against my opening. I pushed back a bit to slot it in place, and he thrust forward then, spearing me on his length. His fat cock stretched me open, and I mewled as he began to piston it brutally inside me.
I grabbed the far edge of the table and let him take me as he wished. It felt so good, and I was more than happy to let him do all the work. He punctuated his thrusts with an occasional swat on my ass, and I reacted by wiggling it back up against him.
“Oh, you like it rough, don’t you?” he observed, “We might have some fun with that.”
His words caused another rush of moisture to release from inside me, and I bucked back against him, “Oh yesss,” I hissed, “I’d like that very much.”
His strokes became faster, and his fingers moved back between my legs to stroke my clit. I let out a little cry, and clenched my pussy tightly around him. He groaned, and leaned over me, doubling his efforts, and I was amazed at his stamina.
Amazement turned to bliss however, as the climax that had been building inside me finally exploded. I don’t remember doing so, but I must have made quite a racket, as he clamped his hand over my mouth to quiet me down, and surprised me by pinching my nose closed.
He continued to plunder me with his cock, and found myself struggling against him for air, but then calmed as he shushed me. I started to get a bit lightheaded, but between that feeling, his fucking me so relentlessly, and the way he stroked my clit, I felt another orgasm building. When this one hit, it was even stronger than the first, and I noticed little sparks dancing in front of my eyes. My pussy pulsated around his length, and he let go of my nose and mouth as he let out a grunt, and with a final thrust came deep inside of me.
I collapsed panting on the table, only to have him pull me up by my hair, and sit me down in a nearby chair. He held his cock with one hand, and with the other he urged my head forward. I hungrily took him into my mouth, tasting our combined juices, and spent a few moments sucking and licking him clean. He reluctantly moved away and quickly put his cock back into his pants and zipped them up, then leaned over and gave me one last soft kiss.
“I’ll be by your desk later to get your number, but I gotta go…break time is over,” he said as he opened the door and slipped out. I stayed in the chair a few more minutes, relishing the soreness I felt between my legs from his assault, and a little smile curled my lips. If only every Friday could be this good.
Monday, July 22, 2013
The Seduction of Elise - Part VI
Prior chapters of this story can be found in reverse order here.
The couple in the left hand room caught Elise’s interest immediately, as they were so methodical. The woman dropped the robe she was wearing, and was totally nude underneath it. She stood tall and calmly in her sky high heels as the man with her put his satchel on a nearby table, and began to lay out their tools for the evening much like a surgeon in preparation for surgery.
Once he was finished, they began. He turned her so she was facing the table, and handed her some little foam earplugs that she inserted into her ears. Then over her clenched fists he slipped on some unusual gloves to keep them bound that way. He then blindfolded her, and had her open her mouth so that he could insert an odd mouthpiece with a tube coming out of it.
“That’s strange looking,” Elise remarked.
“Oh, but it has a purpose, you’ll see,” Adam replied cryptically.
The man then picked up a roll of plastic wrap, and began to wind it tightly around his partner’s head. It was obvious then what the tube coming from the mouthpiece was for…it was the only thing that would allow her to breathe. Elise shifted in her seat, wondering at how uncomfortable that had to be. The woman put her arms behind her back as he worked the wrapping down her torso leaving only her breasts free. The man then attached weighted clamps to the woman’s nipples.
He then had her spread her legs slightly. In between them he put a large wand style vibrator with a rounded head, and placed it so that it was lodged firmly in her crotch. He held it there as she closed her legs around it, then he turned it on. The woman squirmed a bit, and he put a finger over her breathing tube as a warning until she went still. He bent her over the table, and after a few adjustments began to wrap her legs in the plastic. Once he was finished, she was bound so tightly that she couldn’t move.
He picked up a bottle of lube, and coated a very large butt plug with it, then holding open the woman’s ass cheeks, began to screw it into her rear hole. Then he stood back to look at his masterpiece.
Meanwhile, the couple in the other room had begun their own games. The man in that room had his corset clad partner more conventionally bound to a spanking horse, and was working over her creamy bottom with a flogger, striping it a bright pink. Elise glanced over at them for a few moments, but then found herself drawn back to the room on the left.
Adam looked over at Elise, and her face was scrunched up in such a way that he couldn’t quite tell what she was thinking. “Are you all right?” he asked.
“I’m fine,” she replied quietly.
He turned her face so that she was looking at him, “Does seeing this disturb you?”
“A little bit.”
“And why would that be?”
She opened her mouth and shut it a couple of times before she replied, “It just seems so… dehumanizing. And being so tightly bound, if it gets to be too much, how does she give him her safeword?”
A resounding crack from the room on the left startled her, and she turned and cried out with a little “Oh!” The man in the room must have heard her, as he turned his face to the window and with a snarl swished the cane he was holding so it thwacked against his partner’s buttocks a second time. The woman’s body jerked slightly as the blow came, and it left another angry red welt across her cheeks.
He rained blows down on her, and Elise found herself getting more and more agitated with each one. The woman squirmed on the table, letting out huffing sounds through the tube as the vibrator in her crotch brought her to a relentless and seemingly unending orgasm through it all.
Finally the man took down his pants to reveal his erect cock, which he shoved into the woman’s pussy, and began to fuck her roughly, grabbing onto her breasts and pulling hard at the clamps, as the woman’s grunts came through the glass. He turned once again to the window, a vulgar grin on his face as he removed the plug from the woman’s ass, and entered her there, fucking her with the same savagery.
Elise got up abruptly then, and walked around the couch so her back was to the windows. She put her wine down on one of the side tables, and wrapped her arms around herself defensively. Adam stood and closed the curtains, then came up alongside her.
“What are you thinking?” he asked.
“I don’t know.”
He leaned in and whispered, “You’re conflicted, aren’t you? Your sense of morality tells you that what you just saw is wrong, am I correct?”
She nodded, and he brought his hand around, under her dress through the slit in the side. He slipped it between her legs, and found her pussy was slick, “But your body tells me that despite that, there was something about what you witnessed that got you all hot and bothered.”
He began to stroke her clit, “Do you realize that there was nothing in that scene you just watched that’s on your ‘Off Limits’ list? Granted, it may have been in a bit more extreme format, but in the end it was just another kind of bondage, sensory deprivation, and discipline.”
Adam wrapped his other arm around her waist, and pulled her in tight, “And deep down that’s what you want isn’t it?” he hissed in her ear, “You want me to bind you, to blindfold you, and to warm your ass with my hand, don’t you?”
“Yes!” Elise gasped as she writhed against his probing fingers.
“That’s my good girl. Because I’m going to take you back to my house tonight, and put those cuffs you’re wearing to good use. I think you’re ready to start your training in earnest, and you can prove it by coming for me right here, right now.”
Adam pinched her clit between his fingers, and then rubbed it roughly, and Elise came as commanded, shuddering against him. When he was satisfied she was finished, he removed his fingers and held them out in front of her lips, and she sucked and licked them clean as she knew he expected her to.
He leaned her against him, “If it reassures you at all, I’ve known the couple you watched for a long time. They are husband and wife, and he knows her limits intimately. He doesn’t do anything to her without her being in full agreement and he’s knows when to stop. That only comes from years of trust and time together. And believe me, when he takes her home tonight, he’ll treat her as if she was the most precious jewel in the world.”
Elise turned around, “But…does she actually enjoy it? Or does she do it just for him?”
Adam chuckled, “Of course she enjoys it. She is a true masochist, which is why they play so well off of each other. How about this…why don’t I give Tracy a call, and see if the two of you can meet for lunch one day? She’s a very sweet woman…and very honest and open. It might do you well to talk to her.”
Elise nodded, “I’d like that.”
He kissed her forehead, “Good. Now, why don’t we get out of here so that we can play our own games?”
He led her out, and she asked to use the ladies room. He showed her where it was, and she stepped inside and shut the door. She cleaned up a bit and washed her hands, then put her cool hands on her hot face.
“Are you ready for this?” she asked her reflection. After a few seconds she nodded resolutely, and when she walked out, she felt calm and collected. She greeted Adam with a smile, and he smiled back at her, and threaded her arm through his as they left.
The valet got Adam’s car, and they headed back to his apartment. The ride was a quiet one, and once they were safely ensconced upstairs, he poured her a drink. She took it gratefully, and moved over to the living room’s floor to ceiling windows. He let her have a few minutes to herself, and then moved up behind her.
He was worried she would pull away, but instead she leaned back into him. With a smile, he put his arms around her waist and held her close. He caught her eye in the window’s reflection, and she smiled back at him.
“You are so beautiful,” he murmured.
Elise reached up and stroked his face, and he buried his face in her neck, breathing in her scent, and nipping at her earlobe. His straightened, and after taking her drink and setting it aside, unbuckled the strap around her neck and began to peel the dress down her body. She protested weakly, but remained pliant as he pushed it past her hips to puddle at her feet.
He could feel her skin warm as she blushed. She covered her sex with one hand, and put her other arm across her breasts.
“No, no, no, my pet,” he whispered, “You don’t cover up around me when I want you naked. Never.”
He grabbed her wrists, and pulled her arms back behind her, leaving her fully exposed in front of the window for a moment before spinning her around to face him. “This body of yours, your breasts, your ass, your pussy…it is mine to use as I wish. Understood?” She nodded and he continued, “One of these days you’ll beg me to fuck you in front of this window for anyone to see. But tonight I have other plans.”
He led her to his bedroom, and from there to a set of doors she had assumed before was a closet. Instead they opened up to a room much like she’d seen earlier at Madame Margaret’s, lined with all sorts of interesting looking contraptions. She stood there with her mouth agape until Adam chuckled and put a finger under chin to close her mouth. He led her over to the spanking horse…the apparatus that the couple in the right hand room had been using.
“So, my dear…I noticed that you barely cast a glance over at the couple using this earlier this evening. Why is that?”
Elise looked uncomfortable, “It was something I’d seen used before, so it wasn’t as…interesting as what the other couple were doing.”
Adam cocked an eyebrow, “Oh really? Something you saw when trolling around the wicked internet?”
She blushed, “Yes, Sir.”
“But it’s not anything you’ve actually been on before?”
She shook her head “No, Sir.”
“Is it something you’d like to try?” His line of questions had her fidgeting…he loved how she was so easy to fluster.
“I…suppose so, Sir.”
“That was a yes or no question, my dear…you have to be honest with me.”
Elise wanted nothing more than to be put over it, but was finding it difficult to say so. But finally she answered, “Yes, Sir…I would like to try it.”
“Good girl.”
Now, he had two options. He could just drape her over the narrow width of it and secure her that way, or he could have her lie along the length of it with her legs straddling it. That way certainly left her more vulnerable and open, but he felt she could handle it. After all, he wasn’t going to punish her that badly for her first time.
Having decided, he walked her to the end, and scooted her onto it, then put his hand on her neck, and urged her down. Once she was prone he used the chains attached to the floor, along with some adjustable hooks, and clipped them onto the rings on her wrist cuffs and shoes.
She tested the bindings in a way that showed she was curious more than struggling, and then settled into her position almost immediately. Adam rubbed her bottom, and she pressed it back against his palm. She was mentally steeling herself for the first blow, but was surprised when it didn’t come. Instead, Adam came around and squatted down so that they were at eye level.
“So, Elise…it’s time to discuss your punishment. I had originally planned on being fairly easy on you this evening, and maybe giving you about 15 blows. However, your disregard for my wishes that you not wear panties this evening has earned you an additional ten.
Elise squeaked a little when she heard the number and Adam gave her a cruel smile, “Part of your training is to learn to obey my orders. When you don’t do that, you have to pay for your transgressions. That way you remember not to repeat them. I’ll go easy on you in that I’ll only use my hand, but next time I won’t go so lenient.”
He stood behind her, and was pleased to see that her pussy was definitely wet. She really was into this, and he was going to make sure she enjoyed herself.
“Now, you will count after each one. If you forget then we’ll start over, and we’ll continue this until you properly follow my instructions. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Sir,” came her meek reply.
“Good, let’s begin.”
He rubbed her bottom again, and he felt her tense slightly. Then he pulled his hand back, and let it fall on her right cheek with a resounding smack. She jerked a bit, and he waited a beat.
“One,” said Elise breathlessly.
The second blow landed hard on her left cheek, and again she jerked against her bindings, but counted dutifully. Adam continued his assault, but took a break when he got to 15 to check on her. She hadn’t used her safeword, but her voice had a ragged edge to it that concerned him.
“Are you all right, my girl?” he asked, as he stroked her now sopping slit.
She gasped at his touch, and let out a moan. He noticed her makeup had run from the tears eked out by his stinging punishment.
“I’m fine, Sir,” she finally managed to answer.
“You know how to end this if it gets to be too much.”
She let out a little sob as he circled her clit, “Yes, Sir, I know.”
He then probed her pussy with two of his fingers, and moved them inside her as he said, “Ten more it is then. Don’t forget to keep counting.”
She let out a whimper as he removed his fingers. Her punishment so far had been exactly what she’d been hoping for. With each swat of his hand, with every blow, the pain had turned into pleasure radiating through her body, then centering on her core. She had hoped he’d take pity on her and let her come after the first 15, but that wasn’t to be the case. As the last 10 swats cracked against her ass, she became a weeping bundle of nerves. All she wanted at this point was for him to take down his pants, and to fuck her senseless.
Adam could tell just how turned on Elise was. He could tell by how the muscles in her body clenched and released that she was right on the edge. So when he was done, he did what he knew would make her crazy. He walked out, a smile curling his lips as he heard her quiet but plaintive, “No!” as he did so. He figured he’d leave her there stewing in her own juices for about 10 minutes.
What she didn’t realize, was that walking out and leaving her was just as difficult for him. She’d been so good and had performed so well, that he was almost painfully aroused. He wanted the same thing she did. To take his pants down, and fuck the daylights out of her while he admired her now bright pink ass…but she had to learn her place. She had to learn that he was ultimately in control of not only himself, but of her pleasure as well.
He walked out to get a drink, and forced himself to sip it slowly as he walked back to his playroom. At the entrance, he could hear her groan quietly, knowing that she was desperately trying to get relief, but that she was too tightly bound to get any good friction.
After he was done with the drink, he sauntered back in. She stilled as she heard his footsteps come up behind her.
“Please, Sir…” she begged.
“Please what, my pet?” he answered coolly.
“Please, Sir…let me come!” she cried.
“Ah, you remembered to ask permission. But you weren’t doing that earlier were you? You were humping on this thing trying to get yourself off, weren’t you?”
She was quiet for a moment, and then in resignation replied, “Yes, Sir, I was.”
He grabbed her ponytail, lifting up her head and with a hard edge to his voice spoke into her ear, “You will only come when I say so, remember that. Any future endeavors like what you just tried will end up with you trussed up for the night. Are we clear?”
“Yes, Sir,” she squeaked.
“But other than that little display, you’ve done well this evening. So yes, I will let you come.”
As she heard him unzip his pants, she let out a little sigh of relief, and that sigh turned to a groan as the head of his cock began sliding up and down her puffy nether lips. Then with excruciating slowness he began to thrust inside her.
She was ready to scream with frustration…she didn’t want it soft and sweet…she wanted to be ridden hard. But at this point she felt lucky she was getting anything at all, so she resigned herself to whatever he wanted.
Adam watched her as he moved slowly inside of her. He saw just the moment when she gave in completely to him. At that point, he began to circle her clit with his finger, and to pick up the pace of his thrusts.
Elise nearly swooned as he took her harder and harder, his cock filling her so completely, the pleasure of their coupling beginning to overtake her. She whimpered when his body began to slap against her tender ass, spreading the heat even deeper inside her, and gasped when he grabbed her hair once again with his free hand.
“Come for me, babygirl. Make me proud,” he growled. Elise’s hands clenched into fists as she tightened around his cock and with a few strokes on her clit her body stiffened, and she came with a wail. He followed quickly, releasing into her with a grunt.
After a few moments he pulled out, and realizing she must be exhausted, he undid the hooks holding her down. She attempted to stand, and collapsed with a giggle back onto the horse.
He looked at her quizzically, and in a fit of laughter she said, “My legs are asleep!”
He tried not to laugh, but hers was so infectious that he couldn’t help it. He took off her shoes, and helped her to stand. He leaned her against the horse, and knelt down to rub her legs briskly. She hissed as the pins and needles took over, but soon they subsided.
Adam stood then, and took her in his arms. He looked at her a moment, then lowered his head and kissed her tenderly as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and melted against him. He picked her up with ease and took her out to the bedroom and laid her down on the bed.
He joined her, and after covering them both with the duvet, he pulled her to him. Before he could even say anything to her, he realized she was asleep. He stroked her face and kissed her forehead, and she snuggled tight against him in response. He took long enough to remove the tie holding back her hair, then settled in and soon joined her in slumber, humbled and happy to have found a woman that suited him so well.
The couple in the left hand room caught Elise’s interest immediately, as they were so methodical. The woman dropped the robe she was wearing, and was totally nude underneath it. She stood tall and calmly in her sky high heels as the man with her put his satchel on a nearby table, and began to lay out their tools for the evening much like a surgeon in preparation for surgery.
Once he was finished, they began. He turned her so she was facing the table, and handed her some little foam earplugs that she inserted into her ears. Then over her clenched fists he slipped on some unusual gloves to keep them bound that way. He then blindfolded her, and had her open her mouth so that he could insert an odd mouthpiece with a tube coming out of it.
“That’s strange looking,” Elise remarked.
“Oh, but it has a purpose, you’ll see,” Adam replied cryptically.
The man then picked up a roll of plastic wrap, and began to wind it tightly around his partner’s head. It was obvious then what the tube coming from the mouthpiece was for…it was the only thing that would allow her to breathe. Elise shifted in her seat, wondering at how uncomfortable that had to be. The woman put her arms behind her back as he worked the wrapping down her torso leaving only her breasts free. The man then attached weighted clamps to the woman’s nipples.
He then had her spread her legs slightly. In between them he put a large wand style vibrator with a rounded head, and placed it so that it was lodged firmly in her crotch. He held it there as she closed her legs around it, then he turned it on. The woman squirmed a bit, and he put a finger over her breathing tube as a warning until she went still. He bent her over the table, and after a few adjustments began to wrap her legs in the plastic. Once he was finished, she was bound so tightly that she couldn’t move.
He picked up a bottle of lube, and coated a very large butt plug with it, then holding open the woman’s ass cheeks, began to screw it into her rear hole. Then he stood back to look at his masterpiece.
Meanwhile, the couple in the other room had begun their own games. The man in that room had his corset clad partner more conventionally bound to a spanking horse, and was working over her creamy bottom with a flogger, striping it a bright pink. Elise glanced over at them for a few moments, but then found herself drawn back to the room on the left.
Adam looked over at Elise, and her face was scrunched up in such a way that he couldn’t quite tell what she was thinking. “Are you all right?” he asked.
“I’m fine,” she replied quietly.
He turned her face so that she was looking at him, “Does seeing this disturb you?”
“A little bit.”
“And why would that be?”
She opened her mouth and shut it a couple of times before she replied, “It just seems so… dehumanizing. And being so tightly bound, if it gets to be too much, how does she give him her safeword?”
A resounding crack from the room on the left startled her, and she turned and cried out with a little “Oh!” The man in the room must have heard her, as he turned his face to the window and with a snarl swished the cane he was holding so it thwacked against his partner’s buttocks a second time. The woman’s body jerked slightly as the blow came, and it left another angry red welt across her cheeks.
He rained blows down on her, and Elise found herself getting more and more agitated with each one. The woman squirmed on the table, letting out huffing sounds through the tube as the vibrator in her crotch brought her to a relentless and seemingly unending orgasm through it all.
Finally the man took down his pants to reveal his erect cock, which he shoved into the woman’s pussy, and began to fuck her roughly, grabbing onto her breasts and pulling hard at the clamps, as the woman’s grunts came through the glass. He turned once again to the window, a vulgar grin on his face as he removed the plug from the woman’s ass, and entered her there, fucking her with the same savagery.
Elise got up abruptly then, and walked around the couch so her back was to the windows. She put her wine down on one of the side tables, and wrapped her arms around herself defensively. Adam stood and closed the curtains, then came up alongside her.
“What are you thinking?” he asked.
“I don’t know.”
He leaned in and whispered, “You’re conflicted, aren’t you? Your sense of morality tells you that what you just saw is wrong, am I correct?”
She nodded, and he brought his hand around, under her dress through the slit in the side. He slipped it between her legs, and found her pussy was slick, “But your body tells me that despite that, there was something about what you witnessed that got you all hot and bothered.”
He began to stroke her clit, “Do you realize that there was nothing in that scene you just watched that’s on your ‘Off Limits’ list? Granted, it may have been in a bit more extreme format, but in the end it was just another kind of bondage, sensory deprivation, and discipline.”
Adam wrapped his other arm around her waist, and pulled her in tight, “And deep down that’s what you want isn’t it?” he hissed in her ear, “You want me to bind you, to blindfold you, and to warm your ass with my hand, don’t you?”
“Yes!” Elise gasped as she writhed against his probing fingers.
“That’s my good girl. Because I’m going to take you back to my house tonight, and put those cuffs you’re wearing to good use. I think you’re ready to start your training in earnest, and you can prove it by coming for me right here, right now.”
Adam pinched her clit between his fingers, and then rubbed it roughly, and Elise came as commanded, shuddering against him. When he was satisfied she was finished, he removed his fingers and held them out in front of her lips, and she sucked and licked them clean as she knew he expected her to.
He leaned her against him, “If it reassures you at all, I’ve known the couple you watched for a long time. They are husband and wife, and he knows her limits intimately. He doesn’t do anything to her without her being in full agreement and he’s knows when to stop. That only comes from years of trust and time together. And believe me, when he takes her home tonight, he’ll treat her as if she was the most precious jewel in the world.”
Elise turned around, “But…does she actually enjoy it? Or does she do it just for him?”
Adam chuckled, “Of course she enjoys it. She is a true masochist, which is why they play so well off of each other. How about this…why don’t I give Tracy a call, and see if the two of you can meet for lunch one day? She’s a very sweet woman…and very honest and open. It might do you well to talk to her.”
Elise nodded, “I’d like that.”
He kissed her forehead, “Good. Now, why don’t we get out of here so that we can play our own games?”
He led her out, and she asked to use the ladies room. He showed her where it was, and she stepped inside and shut the door. She cleaned up a bit and washed her hands, then put her cool hands on her hot face.
“Are you ready for this?” she asked her reflection. After a few seconds she nodded resolutely, and when she walked out, she felt calm and collected. She greeted Adam with a smile, and he smiled back at her, and threaded her arm through his as they left.
The valet got Adam’s car, and they headed back to his apartment. The ride was a quiet one, and once they were safely ensconced upstairs, he poured her a drink. She took it gratefully, and moved over to the living room’s floor to ceiling windows. He let her have a few minutes to herself, and then moved up behind her.
He was worried she would pull away, but instead she leaned back into him. With a smile, he put his arms around her waist and held her close. He caught her eye in the window’s reflection, and she smiled back at him.
“You are so beautiful,” he murmured.
Elise reached up and stroked his face, and he buried his face in her neck, breathing in her scent, and nipping at her earlobe. His straightened, and after taking her drink and setting it aside, unbuckled the strap around her neck and began to peel the dress down her body. She protested weakly, but remained pliant as he pushed it past her hips to puddle at her feet.
He could feel her skin warm as she blushed. She covered her sex with one hand, and put her other arm across her breasts.
“No, no, no, my pet,” he whispered, “You don’t cover up around me when I want you naked. Never.”
He grabbed her wrists, and pulled her arms back behind her, leaving her fully exposed in front of the window for a moment before spinning her around to face him. “This body of yours, your breasts, your ass, your pussy…it is mine to use as I wish. Understood?” She nodded and he continued, “One of these days you’ll beg me to fuck you in front of this window for anyone to see. But tonight I have other plans.”
He led her to his bedroom, and from there to a set of doors she had assumed before was a closet. Instead they opened up to a room much like she’d seen earlier at Madame Margaret’s, lined with all sorts of interesting looking contraptions. She stood there with her mouth agape until Adam chuckled and put a finger under chin to close her mouth. He led her over to the spanking horse…the apparatus that the couple in the right hand room had been using.
“So, my dear…I noticed that you barely cast a glance over at the couple using this earlier this evening. Why is that?”
Elise looked uncomfortable, “It was something I’d seen used before, so it wasn’t as…interesting as what the other couple were doing.”
Adam cocked an eyebrow, “Oh really? Something you saw when trolling around the wicked internet?”
She blushed, “Yes, Sir.”
“But it’s not anything you’ve actually been on before?”
She shook her head “No, Sir.”
“Is it something you’d like to try?” His line of questions had her fidgeting…he loved how she was so easy to fluster.
“I…suppose so, Sir.”
“That was a yes or no question, my dear…you have to be honest with me.”
Elise wanted nothing more than to be put over it, but was finding it difficult to say so. But finally she answered, “Yes, Sir…I would like to try it.”
“Good girl.”
Now, he had two options. He could just drape her over the narrow width of it and secure her that way, or he could have her lie along the length of it with her legs straddling it. That way certainly left her more vulnerable and open, but he felt she could handle it. After all, he wasn’t going to punish her that badly for her first time.
Having decided, he walked her to the end, and scooted her onto it, then put his hand on her neck, and urged her down. Once she was prone he used the chains attached to the floor, along with some adjustable hooks, and clipped them onto the rings on her wrist cuffs and shoes.
She tested the bindings in a way that showed she was curious more than struggling, and then settled into her position almost immediately. Adam rubbed her bottom, and she pressed it back against his palm. She was mentally steeling herself for the first blow, but was surprised when it didn’t come. Instead, Adam came around and squatted down so that they were at eye level.
“So, Elise…it’s time to discuss your punishment. I had originally planned on being fairly easy on you this evening, and maybe giving you about 15 blows. However, your disregard for my wishes that you not wear panties this evening has earned you an additional ten.
Elise squeaked a little when she heard the number and Adam gave her a cruel smile, “Part of your training is to learn to obey my orders. When you don’t do that, you have to pay for your transgressions. That way you remember not to repeat them. I’ll go easy on you in that I’ll only use my hand, but next time I won’t go so lenient.”
He stood behind her, and was pleased to see that her pussy was definitely wet. She really was into this, and he was going to make sure she enjoyed herself.
“Now, you will count after each one. If you forget then we’ll start over, and we’ll continue this until you properly follow my instructions. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Sir,” came her meek reply.
“Good, let’s begin.”
He rubbed her bottom again, and he felt her tense slightly. Then he pulled his hand back, and let it fall on her right cheek with a resounding smack. She jerked a bit, and he waited a beat.
“One,” said Elise breathlessly.
The second blow landed hard on her left cheek, and again she jerked against her bindings, but counted dutifully. Adam continued his assault, but took a break when he got to 15 to check on her. She hadn’t used her safeword, but her voice had a ragged edge to it that concerned him.
“Are you all right, my girl?” he asked, as he stroked her now sopping slit.
She gasped at his touch, and let out a moan. He noticed her makeup had run from the tears eked out by his stinging punishment.
“I’m fine, Sir,” she finally managed to answer.
“You know how to end this if it gets to be too much.”
She let out a little sob as he circled her clit, “Yes, Sir, I know.”
He then probed her pussy with two of his fingers, and moved them inside her as he said, “Ten more it is then. Don’t forget to keep counting.”
She let out a whimper as he removed his fingers. Her punishment so far had been exactly what she’d been hoping for. With each swat of his hand, with every blow, the pain had turned into pleasure radiating through her body, then centering on her core. She had hoped he’d take pity on her and let her come after the first 15, but that wasn’t to be the case. As the last 10 swats cracked against her ass, she became a weeping bundle of nerves. All she wanted at this point was for him to take down his pants, and to fuck her senseless.
Adam could tell just how turned on Elise was. He could tell by how the muscles in her body clenched and released that she was right on the edge. So when he was done, he did what he knew would make her crazy. He walked out, a smile curling his lips as he heard her quiet but plaintive, “No!” as he did so. He figured he’d leave her there stewing in her own juices for about 10 minutes.
What she didn’t realize, was that walking out and leaving her was just as difficult for him. She’d been so good and had performed so well, that he was almost painfully aroused. He wanted the same thing she did. To take his pants down, and fuck the daylights out of her while he admired her now bright pink ass…but she had to learn her place. She had to learn that he was ultimately in control of not only himself, but of her pleasure as well.
He walked out to get a drink, and forced himself to sip it slowly as he walked back to his playroom. At the entrance, he could hear her groan quietly, knowing that she was desperately trying to get relief, but that she was too tightly bound to get any good friction.
After he was done with the drink, he sauntered back in. She stilled as she heard his footsteps come up behind her.
“Please, Sir…” she begged.
“Please what, my pet?” he answered coolly.
“Please, Sir…let me come!” she cried.
“Ah, you remembered to ask permission. But you weren’t doing that earlier were you? You were humping on this thing trying to get yourself off, weren’t you?”
She was quiet for a moment, and then in resignation replied, “Yes, Sir, I was.”
He grabbed her ponytail, lifting up her head and with a hard edge to his voice spoke into her ear, “You will only come when I say so, remember that. Any future endeavors like what you just tried will end up with you trussed up for the night. Are we clear?”
“Yes, Sir,” she squeaked.
“But other than that little display, you’ve done well this evening. So yes, I will let you come.”
As she heard him unzip his pants, she let out a little sigh of relief, and that sigh turned to a groan as the head of his cock began sliding up and down her puffy nether lips. Then with excruciating slowness he began to thrust inside her.
She was ready to scream with frustration…she didn’t want it soft and sweet…she wanted to be ridden hard. But at this point she felt lucky she was getting anything at all, so she resigned herself to whatever he wanted.
Adam watched her as he moved slowly inside of her. He saw just the moment when she gave in completely to him. At that point, he began to circle her clit with his finger, and to pick up the pace of his thrusts.
Elise nearly swooned as he took her harder and harder, his cock filling her so completely, the pleasure of their coupling beginning to overtake her. She whimpered when his body began to slap against her tender ass, spreading the heat even deeper inside her, and gasped when he grabbed her hair once again with his free hand.
“Come for me, babygirl. Make me proud,” he growled. Elise’s hands clenched into fists as she tightened around his cock and with a few strokes on her clit her body stiffened, and she came with a wail. He followed quickly, releasing into her with a grunt.
After a few moments he pulled out, and realizing she must be exhausted, he undid the hooks holding her down. She attempted to stand, and collapsed with a giggle back onto the horse.
He looked at her quizzically, and in a fit of laughter she said, “My legs are asleep!”
He tried not to laugh, but hers was so infectious that he couldn’t help it. He took off her shoes, and helped her to stand. He leaned her against the horse, and knelt down to rub her legs briskly. She hissed as the pins and needles took over, but soon they subsided.
Adam stood then, and took her in his arms. He looked at her a moment, then lowered his head and kissed her tenderly as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and melted against him. He picked her up with ease and took her out to the bedroom and laid her down on the bed.
He joined her, and after covering them both with the duvet, he pulled her to him. Before he could even say anything to her, he realized she was asleep. He stroked her face and kissed her forehead, and she snuggled tight against him in response. He took long enough to remove the tie holding back her hair, then settled in and soon joined her in slumber, humbled and happy to have found a woman that suited him so well.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Vignettes - Hush
He knew he was going to be home late, and he’d told his girl not to wait up for him. So when he got home he wasn’t surprised to find her already in bed. Maybe a little disappointed, but not surprised…if there was one thing she appreciated, it was a good night’s sleep.
She was lying on her side, her face snuggled into her fluffy down pillow while her arms were up and around it. She was bare to the waist, but her legs were covered with the sheet and slightly spread. A little smirk curled his lips, and he thought he might still have a little fun. He got undressed, and slowly pulled down the sheet.
He was pleased to see she wasn’t wearing panties, as that would make what he had in mind that much easier. But first, he wanted to be sure she was really asleep. She was cheeky, and had a habit of dropping hints of what she wanted, but always under the guise of trying to be accommodating of his needs. If she’d been a good girl, he’d sometimes give in to her, but more often than not he either ignored her prods, or would decide to have her do something completely different. She’d pout about it for a second or two, but then she’d get over it, and happily do what he expected of her.
So he lay down next to her, and ran his fingers lightly down her arm. She didn’t flinch, and her breathing remained deep and even. Then he reached down, and did the same to the back of her knee. She moved her leg slightly, but settled right back down. If she was faking it, she was doing a masterful job.
He slid his right arm under her neck, and pulled her against him. Then he took his left hand and moved it between her legs, and cupped it over her mound. With his fingers, he slowly and gently began to stroke her, delving into her pussy for some of her moisture, and then moving it around her clit.
After a few minutes of this rhythmic massage, she began to stir. When she let out a little moan, his right hand wrapped around her throat, and he forced her head back.
She let out a gasp as he whispered in her ear, “Not a sound, my girl. You are not to make a single noise. Do you understand?” She nodded, and he continued, “Good. Don’t make me get out the gag.”
He knew this would be a difficult task for her, as she tended to be on the noisy side. She liked to moan, and gasp, and cry out. However, she disliked being gagged even more. It’s not that he didn’t enjoy hearing her feedback…he did…but he liked to push her limits too.
He kept his hand gently around her throat to remind her of her task, and he continued to manipulate her with his other one. His caresses became firmer, and she squirmed in his grasp. He knew she could feel his cock hardening against her as she struggled. He slowly inserted three fingers inside her, and she put all the effort she was making to stay quiet into clenching tightly around him. He smiled, knowing that he’d soon be feeling that around his cock.
He added his thumb to get it nice and slick, then moved it to her little rosebud, and slowly slipped it inside of her. Despite her best efforts a little yelp escaped her and his hand tightened on her throat. She immediately silenced.
“Strike one, babygirl,” he whispered in warning.
With his thumb lodged firmly in her ass, and his other fingers plundering her pussy, he used his pinky finger to stroke her clit. He didn’t need to hear her to know that she was on the brink of climaxing. He could tell by how her body moved, the way her eyes were tightly shut, while her mouth was open in a silent cry. She was teetering on the edge, unable to ask permission to come and waiting for him to give her the word. He opted not to do that however, and instead removed his hand entirely.
Her body shook with silent sobs, as he slowly entered her, and when he was fully seated, they were tightly spooned. As he began to thrust, she tightened her pussy around him.
“You love this don’t you?” he whispered in her ear, “You love being used by me, being my fucktoy…my sweet little slut.”
She nodded in reply, and he continued to move inside her, “You’d love to come right now, wouldn’t you? Too bad you can’t ask for it.”
She let out a little whimper of frustration, and he removed his hand from her throat just long enough to give her a light slap on the cheek to get her focused, “Strike two,” he chuckled, “you’re on thin ice, my girl.”
He rolled her over onto her stomach, and hauled her hips up. He began to thrust with more force, and interspersed them with an occasional slap on her ass. Remarkably, she managed to stay quiet through this assault, and instead rocked back onto him. He bent over her and wrapped his arm around her neck and hauled her up. She rested her hands on the headboard to steady herself, and he raked his hands down her torso, kneading and squeezing her breasts, and pinching her nipples hard.
He could see the muscles of her jaw tighten as she strived to stay quiet, and smiled. He tugged her hair, and her head fell back. He kissed her ear, and then said, “Keep it up until I come, baby, and then I’ll give you your reward.”
He moved his hands to her hips, and dug them in firm enough that her skin went white beneath his fingers, and began to slam his cock inside her. She massaged his cock with her pussy, contracting her muscles around him in time with his thrusts.
“So good, baby…I’m so close…” he whispered, “You’re being such a good girl.” He drove his cock into her a few more times, and then came with a groan, releasing his seed inside her.
He continued to grind against her, and keeping his promise he reached around to stroke her clit. “Come for me, love, and make it loud,” he demanded. She’d been on the brink for so long that it didn’t take more than a couple of minutes before she came hard, crying out as shudders shook her body.
He held her tightly against him, and continued to stroke her even when she tried to pull away. Once she was spent, he eased them both down to the mattress. He ran his hands over her body to soothe her and it wasn’t long until she snuggled against him and fell back asleep. Sated and lulled by her steady breathing, he soon joined her.
She was lying on her side, her face snuggled into her fluffy down pillow while her arms were up and around it. She was bare to the waist, but her legs were covered with the sheet and slightly spread. A little smirk curled his lips, and he thought he might still have a little fun. He got undressed, and slowly pulled down the sheet.
He was pleased to see she wasn’t wearing panties, as that would make what he had in mind that much easier. But first, he wanted to be sure she was really asleep. She was cheeky, and had a habit of dropping hints of what she wanted, but always under the guise of trying to be accommodating of his needs. If she’d been a good girl, he’d sometimes give in to her, but more often than not he either ignored her prods, or would decide to have her do something completely different. She’d pout about it for a second or two, but then she’d get over it, and happily do what he expected of her.
So he lay down next to her, and ran his fingers lightly down her arm. She didn’t flinch, and her breathing remained deep and even. Then he reached down, and did the same to the back of her knee. She moved her leg slightly, but settled right back down. If she was faking it, she was doing a masterful job.
He slid his right arm under her neck, and pulled her against him. Then he took his left hand and moved it between her legs, and cupped it over her mound. With his fingers, he slowly and gently began to stroke her, delving into her pussy for some of her moisture, and then moving it around her clit.
After a few minutes of this rhythmic massage, she began to stir. When she let out a little moan, his right hand wrapped around her throat, and he forced her head back.
She let out a gasp as he whispered in her ear, “Not a sound, my girl. You are not to make a single noise. Do you understand?” She nodded, and he continued, “Good. Don’t make me get out the gag.”
He knew this would be a difficult task for her, as she tended to be on the noisy side. She liked to moan, and gasp, and cry out. However, she disliked being gagged even more. It’s not that he didn’t enjoy hearing her feedback…he did…but he liked to push her limits too.
He kept his hand gently around her throat to remind her of her task, and he continued to manipulate her with his other one. His caresses became firmer, and she squirmed in his grasp. He knew she could feel his cock hardening against her as she struggled. He slowly inserted three fingers inside her, and she put all the effort she was making to stay quiet into clenching tightly around him. He smiled, knowing that he’d soon be feeling that around his cock.
He added his thumb to get it nice and slick, then moved it to her little rosebud, and slowly slipped it inside of her. Despite her best efforts a little yelp escaped her and his hand tightened on her throat. She immediately silenced.
“Strike one, babygirl,” he whispered in warning.
With his thumb lodged firmly in her ass, and his other fingers plundering her pussy, he used his pinky finger to stroke her clit. He didn’t need to hear her to know that she was on the brink of climaxing. He could tell by how her body moved, the way her eyes were tightly shut, while her mouth was open in a silent cry. She was teetering on the edge, unable to ask permission to come and waiting for him to give her the word. He opted not to do that however, and instead removed his hand entirely.
Her body shook with silent sobs, as he slowly entered her, and when he was fully seated, they were tightly spooned. As he began to thrust, she tightened her pussy around him.
“You love this don’t you?” he whispered in her ear, “You love being used by me, being my fucktoy…my sweet little slut.”
She nodded in reply, and he continued to move inside her, “You’d love to come right now, wouldn’t you? Too bad you can’t ask for it.”
She let out a little whimper of frustration, and he removed his hand from her throat just long enough to give her a light slap on the cheek to get her focused, “Strike two,” he chuckled, “you’re on thin ice, my girl.”
He rolled her over onto her stomach, and hauled her hips up. He began to thrust with more force, and interspersed them with an occasional slap on her ass. Remarkably, she managed to stay quiet through this assault, and instead rocked back onto him. He bent over her and wrapped his arm around her neck and hauled her up. She rested her hands on the headboard to steady herself, and he raked his hands down her torso, kneading and squeezing her breasts, and pinching her nipples hard.
He could see the muscles of her jaw tighten as she strived to stay quiet, and smiled. He tugged her hair, and her head fell back. He kissed her ear, and then said, “Keep it up until I come, baby, and then I’ll give you your reward.”
He moved his hands to her hips, and dug them in firm enough that her skin went white beneath his fingers, and began to slam his cock inside her. She massaged his cock with her pussy, contracting her muscles around him in time with his thrusts.
“So good, baby…I’m so close…” he whispered, “You’re being such a good girl.” He drove his cock into her a few more times, and then came with a groan, releasing his seed inside her.
He continued to grind against her, and keeping his promise he reached around to stroke her clit. “Come for me, love, and make it loud,” he demanded. She’d been on the brink for so long that it didn’t take more than a couple of minutes before she came hard, crying out as shudders shook her body.
He held her tightly against him, and continued to stroke her even when she tried to pull away. Once she was spent, he eased them both down to the mattress. He ran his hands over her body to soothe her and it wasn’t long until she snuggled against him and fell back asleep. Sated and lulled by her steady breathing, he soon joined her.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
The Dress
I made my way to the hotel bar, thankful to finally be done with the wretched wedding I’d just been part of. The bride was a dear old high school friend that had found me through Facebook a couple of years before, and asked me to be a bridesmaid. Since it was going to be a “destination wedding” at an all inclusive resort in Costa Rica, I accepted despite the fact that I hadn’t actually seen her in almost a decade.
OK, the wedding itself wasn’t THAT bad really. It was more the awful dress I had to wear that made it feel endless. It was strapless, too big – which meant I constantly had to hitch it up - and an unflattering shade of mint green that made me look sickly despite the pound of makeup I wore to help me look otherwise.
I plunked down at the bar and ordered a drink, then checked out my surroundings. There was group of folks at the other end talking, but the only person near me was a woman about my age sipping her drink, and smoking a cigarette.
Despite having given up smoking a couple of years before, I got an irresistible urge for one and felt that after today I’d earned it.
I leaned over in her direction, “Excuse me?”
She glanced over, “Yes?”
“I hate to trouble you, but…can I bum a cigarette from you?”
She smiled, and I noticed it was a very nice smile, “Sure thing…stressful day?”
“You have no idea.”
She tapped one out of her pack and handed it to me, then held out her lighter and offered to light it. I leaned in, and noticed that she smelled really nice too. I sat back and took a long drag and blew the smoke out with a blissful sigh. I took in her lovely features and short cap of blonde curls, and offered my hand, “Thank you so much. I’m Tessa.”
She took my hand and gave it a shake, “You’re welcome! I’m Anne. So…wedding?”
I looked down ruefully at my ugly dress and laughed, “Yeah. I guess this gave it away.”
We made small talk, and I found her to be very friendly and approachable. We found we were both travelling alone, and didn’t really know anyone. She mentioned that she was going to go down to the bonfire the resort was doing that night, and asked me if I wanted to go with her. I had nothing else going on that day and said sure.
She was already in colorful board shorts and a black bikini top, so I remarked, “I just need to go change. My cottage is on the way.” As I mentioned this, some of the folks from the wedding began to file into the bar, “We’d better go now before I get sucked into staying.”
We left tips for the bartender, and headed out. I had opted to splurge on a beach cottage instead of just a regular room, and had liked the extra peace it had provided. Anne sort of hovered outside the door, and I motioned to her, “C’mon in! I have some beers in the fridge, so help yourself, and I’ll just be a few minutes.”
She followed me in, and I headed to the bedroom. I shucked off the dress, and changed into a frilly hot pink bikini and covered it up with a floral wrap skirt. I took my long brown hair down and brushed it vigorously to get some of the hairspray out, and put it back into a loose braid, then washed all the makeup off my face. Feeling refreshed I went back out into the living room, and got a beer for myself.
As I turned I found her checking me out. She looked up and me and smiled, and I smiled back, a little thrill going through me. Taking a lover – especially one of the same sex - wasn’t on my list of things to do with this week’s vacation, but dang…she was so pretty, and hey…I’d try anything once. More, if I liked it.
I met her gaze, and her blue eyes sparkled with mischief. She stood and held out her hand, and I took it tentatively, and she led me out the door and down to the beach with the other partygoers.
And did we have fun! There was a band, and dancing, a big buffet, and buckets of beer being handed out. As the sun went down they lit the fire. It was too hot to be right up next to it, so we moved a bit away. As the band played a mellow tune, Anne slipped an arm around my waist. I turned to face her and rested my arms on her shoulders and we began to sway back and forth to the music. We were almost exactly the same height, and when she leaned in to give me a soft, sweet kiss, it just seemed so natural.
“Come with me,” she whispered. She picked up our bucket of beers, and taking my hand led me away from the crowd and down the beach. There was a little cove a ways away that she directed me to. I’d been there the day before collecting shells, and because it was a bit rocky, it was usually fairly quiet.
Anne put the beers down on a flat rock, and handed one to me then took one for herself. We sat down and peered out at the water, taking in the moon and all the stars reflecting on its surface, “Isn’t it beautiful?” she murmured.
I moved closer to her, and rested my head on her shoulder, “It is.”
We sat quietly like that for a while, arms around each other’s waists, and sipping our drinks. When they were empty I raised my head and asked, “Why don’t we go for a swim?”
She turned to me and grinned, and stood to take off her shorts while I slipped off my skirt. We picked our way carefully to the water, and laughed as the water came up and tickled our feet. We made our way out a little deeper and splashed around a little bit, reveling in the wonderfully warm water. We soon found ourselves back in each other’s arms, and this time when we kissed, there was a much greater need to it.
Anne pulled me tight to her, and kissed me hungrily. Her hands moved up my back and untied my bikini top, and she slipped her tongue past my parted lips. As our tongues sparred, her hands came around and cupped my breasts, her thumbs making little circles around my nipples. I groaned, and she moved her mouth to my neck, sucking gently on the soft skin there.
“I wanted you the minute I saw you come into the bar looking so grumpy, and fussing with that ugly gown,” she whispered in my ear, “You were so cute.”
We looked at each other and giggled. I let my hands roam over her lithe body, reveling in the softness of her, but then looked down and blushed, “I’ve never been with another woman before,” I admitted.
“If you don’t want to do this…” she started.
I silenced her with a kiss, “Oh, but I do,” I reassured her.
She lifted her top and took my hands, placing them on her breasts, “Then explore.”
And I did. I felt the wonderful weight of them, and ran my thumbs over her little nipples. We kissed some more, and her hand snaked down my belly, and slipped into my swimsuit bottom, her long fingers stroking between my legs. I was so wet, and she let out a little laugh, “I guess you really do want this.”
Feeling a bit bolder, I ran my fingers through her hair, and pulled her back into a kiss. Soon it wasn’t just the water that was getting warm as our hands explored and our nipples brushed against each other. Anne broke away suddenly, “God, Tessa…let’s go. I want to taste every inch of you.”
We quickly moved back to shore rearranging our suits as we went, and picked up our clothes and the bucket and headed back to my cottage. The second the door closed, we were all over each other. The swimsuits quickly came off as we kissed our way to the bed. I stopped just long enough to pull down the duvet, and Anne pushed me down onto the soft mattress.
Her hands and mouth felt like they were everywhere at once. She latched onto one of my nipples, and little sparks went off in my core. I cried out and lifted my hips off the bed, and our groins met and rubbed against each other for a moment, making me shudder. She moved to the other nipple, and I moaned as she began to trail a line of kisses down my torso.
She spread my legs, and eased down between them. She kissed her way up one leg then up the other, each time getting tantalizing close to where I wanted her. When she finally got there, it was incredible. She explored my folds leisurely, sucking on them, lightly licking them apart and exposing my clit, which she nibbled on, and flicked with her tongue.
It was utter bliss…I had never felt anything like it. I’d always heard that having another woman go down on you is different somehow than a man doing it, and no matter how good a guy is the woman is always better. I was starting to believe this was true.
As she teased my clit, she slid two fingers into my pussy, stroking them in and out. The combination of her caresses and her mouth were making me go out of my head. I tangled my fingers in her hair and mewled as she brought me closer to the brink, and when she added a third finger I went completely over the edge.
I came so hard, my body quaking as Anne continued to suck my clit. I finally had to push her head away as it was just too intense and she looked up at me with a smile, my juices covering her lips. I pulled her up and kissed her feverishly, my hands moving down to her ass and squeezing it gently. I loved kissing her…lightly biting her soft lips, running my tongue along the line of her teeth, exploring her mouth.
Overcome with need, I rolled her over onto her back. It was my turn to taste her, and I started by nuzzling her neck, nibbling and sucking on it. I knelt up and looked at her…she was radiant with her blond curls, big blue eyes, and Cupid’s bow lips. Her full breasts were lightly tanned, and tipped with dark peach nipples, and my mouth literally watered at the sight of her.
I caressed her breasts, and lightly strummed her nipples, watching her face…fascinated with every change in her expression. I ran my hands down her belly, and felt her muscles flutter under her skin which was velvet soft. I leaned over and took one nipple into my mouth, tasting the salt of the ocean on her skin, and suckled lightly. She arched her back and I sucked on it a little harder, and heard her moan with pleasure. I pinched her other nipple lightly, rolling it between my fingertips.
Hungry for more, I moved my hands down her sides and underneath her to grab her ass, and shimmied down to her pussy. I hesitated a moment unsure of where to begin, and figured I’d just try on her what I liked on myself.
I used my fingers to gently caress her skin which had just the slightest bit of fuzz. A drop of moisture seeped out from between her lips, and I tentatively reached out my tongue to catch it, which made her moan. Emboldened by the idea that I was actually doing something right, I stiffened my tongue, and slid it past her lips, and licked her a little harder. She tasted salty but sweet, and I took my time exploring this new, yet still familiar, territory.
I mimicked what she had done with me, and replaced my tongue with my fingers, and moved my attention to her clit. I circled it with my tongue and was rewarded with Anne bucking her hips, driving her pussy even harder against my mouth. She let out a cry as I took it between my lips, and gently sucked on it, as I continued to probe her pussy with my fingers. I added a third, getting it nice and wet, then removed it and rubbed it against her tight asshole. She let out a whimper as I got it nice and slick, and slowly inserted my digit, massaging the thin skin that divided her two holes.
She thrashed around as I worked on her, her hands in tight fists gripping the sheets, and I had the overwhelming desire to make her come. I zeroed back in on her clit, and sucked it a little harder, flicking my tongue across it, as I thrust into her with my fingers. Soon her body went stiff, and she covered her mouth with one hand to stifle her shout as she came.
I licked up her sweet juices, and covered her with kisses, and she soon grabbed at my shoulders to pull me up on top of her. We kissed for a while, grinding our mounds together causing little sparks of pleasure to shoot through us, but soon dozed in the warmth of each other’s arms.
I woke up a bit later and shifted, and found her awake and looking at me. She didn’t say anything, just stroked her fingers down my cheek. I snuggled against her, kissing every bit of her flesh that my mouth could reach. We chatted a while, sharing things about our life, what we did for work and fun, and the more we talked and giggled together, the more I wanted her again.
As if sensing this, she suggested we take a shower, and wash the rest of the salt off our skin from our swim earlier. The cottage had a nice big shower, and soon we were washing each other, and kissing some more. The washcloths were quickly dropped as our hands took over, and soon we were fingering and stroking each other, our wet skin sliding together until we both came, moaning as our tongues tangled together.
We held each other under the spray until the water began to cool, then dried off and went back to bed. This time we fell asleep for real, and as dawn broke I woke to find I was by myself. I was disappointed to say the least and with a sad sigh rolled out of bed. I slipped on some clothes, figuring I’d go get some breakfast, and opened the door just as Anne was about to slip the key into the lock.
She let out a surprised, “Oh!” and looked embarrassed, “I was hoping to be back before you woke up, Tessa. I went out to go by my room, and to pick us up some breakfast. I sort of stole your key…I hope you don’t mind.”
I must have still looked upset, because she put everything down, and took my face in her hands, “Oh Baby…you didn’t really think I’d just slip away without a word, did you?”
“I wasn’t sure,” I murmured, and she pulled me close and kissed me, and wrapped me up in a big hug.
“C’mon, let’s eat,” she laughed, and then added with a wink, “I have a feeling you’ll need your strength for what I have planned for you this morning.” She opened up the carryout boxes, and we sat and ate in comfortable silence, and sipped on coffee she’d brought with.
Anne reached down and rummaged in the bag by her feet and came up with a bottle of champagne and a carafe of orange juice. She opened the champagne with a pop, and poured out a couple of mimosas. We finished breakfast - and eventually the champagne - and put the remains outside to be picked up. She led me back to the bedroom then ran back out to retrieve her bag. She dropped it on the floor and reached for me, expertly divesting us of our clothes, until we were rolling around on the bed again, kissing passionately.
She rolled me over onto my belly, and lifted my hips until I was face down and ass up. She lay down between my legs, and lowered my pussy to her mouth, and soon had me trembling as she expertly ate me out. I begged her to get into a 69 with me, but she sat up and laughed, “Oh no, Baby…first I’m going to give you the fucking you deserve.”
I heard some odd noises, and looked back curiously to find her removing an intricate harness from her bag. It had the usual dildo coming from the front, but another one that slid inside of her, as well. She caught me looking and laughed, “What can I say? I always travel prepared.”
She slid her dildo into place with a little gasp and strapped on the harness, then got back on the bed with me. She kissed and nibbled on my ass cheeks, and reached beneath me to tweak my nipples, then slid her fingers down to stroke my clit. I was panting with need at this point, and when I felt the head of the dildo sliding along my nether lips, I groaned.
“Do you want me inside you, Baby?” she whispered.
“Please,” I whimpered, “I want you so bad, I can’t stand it.”
She slowly inserted the head into me, and I pushed back against it. When it bottomed out, she groaned. By fucking me, she was also sort of fucking herself, pleasuring both of us at the same time. She started out slowly, taking her time as she worked the toy in and out of my eager pussy. Fucking doggy style was my favorite position however, and it wasn’t long until I begged her to take me harder.
She gradually increased her pace, but it wasn’t long until we had built up to a frantic tempo, and she draped herself over me, and held me around the waist as she pounded into me. The dildos penetrating us were simultaneously stroking our g-spots, and the base of the one inside me was also working on her clit. I reached down and stroked mine, and I panted that I wanted her to come with me. It wasn’t long until that happened, and at that point I was glad to have the cottage because we made an enormous racket as we shuddered and shook through our simultaneous climax.
Since unlike a penis the dildos never went soft, we just continued to fuck our way to a couple more orgasms until it just became too much to handle, and we collapsed on the bed in a tangle of limbs. She unbuckled the harness and set it aside then took me in her arms, and hugged me tight.
“Did you enjoy that?” she asked.
I looked deep in eyes and admitted, “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced.”
She smiled happily and kissed me, “Please tell me that we’ll see each other again after this week is over.”
I smiled back shyly, “I’d like that very much.”
That afternoon Anne deserted her room and moved in with me. We spent the rest of the week talking, laughing, swimming, eating, and fucking. And as the evening before we had to leave fell, we stood in the ocean with our arms around each other, watching the sun set, and the stars come out, and knew that we’d found the love our lives.
It is two years later now, and we’re still together, and as happy as we can be. It hasn’t all been easy, but the journey has been worth it. I kept that bridesmaid’s dress as a reminder of how it brought us together, and tomorrow it’s going to be made into ring bearer pillows for our wedding. I’ve never been more happy thanks to that ugly thing.
OK, the wedding itself wasn’t THAT bad really. It was more the awful dress I had to wear that made it feel endless. It was strapless, too big – which meant I constantly had to hitch it up - and an unflattering shade of mint green that made me look sickly despite the pound of makeup I wore to help me look otherwise.
I plunked down at the bar and ordered a drink, then checked out my surroundings. There was group of folks at the other end talking, but the only person near me was a woman about my age sipping her drink, and smoking a cigarette.
Despite having given up smoking a couple of years before, I got an irresistible urge for one and felt that after today I’d earned it.
I leaned over in her direction, “Excuse me?”
She glanced over, “Yes?”
“I hate to trouble you, but…can I bum a cigarette from you?”
She smiled, and I noticed it was a very nice smile, “Sure thing…stressful day?”
“You have no idea.”
She tapped one out of her pack and handed it to me, then held out her lighter and offered to light it. I leaned in, and noticed that she smelled really nice too. I sat back and took a long drag and blew the smoke out with a blissful sigh. I took in her lovely features and short cap of blonde curls, and offered my hand, “Thank you so much. I’m Tessa.”
She took my hand and gave it a shake, “You’re welcome! I’m Anne. So…wedding?”
I looked down ruefully at my ugly dress and laughed, “Yeah. I guess this gave it away.”
We made small talk, and I found her to be very friendly and approachable. We found we were both travelling alone, and didn’t really know anyone. She mentioned that she was going to go down to the bonfire the resort was doing that night, and asked me if I wanted to go with her. I had nothing else going on that day and said sure.
She was already in colorful board shorts and a black bikini top, so I remarked, “I just need to go change. My cottage is on the way.” As I mentioned this, some of the folks from the wedding began to file into the bar, “We’d better go now before I get sucked into staying.”
We left tips for the bartender, and headed out. I had opted to splurge on a beach cottage instead of just a regular room, and had liked the extra peace it had provided. Anne sort of hovered outside the door, and I motioned to her, “C’mon in! I have some beers in the fridge, so help yourself, and I’ll just be a few minutes.”
She followed me in, and I headed to the bedroom. I shucked off the dress, and changed into a frilly hot pink bikini and covered it up with a floral wrap skirt. I took my long brown hair down and brushed it vigorously to get some of the hairspray out, and put it back into a loose braid, then washed all the makeup off my face. Feeling refreshed I went back out into the living room, and got a beer for myself.
As I turned I found her checking me out. She looked up and me and smiled, and I smiled back, a little thrill going through me. Taking a lover – especially one of the same sex - wasn’t on my list of things to do with this week’s vacation, but dang…she was so pretty, and hey…I’d try anything once. More, if I liked it.
I met her gaze, and her blue eyes sparkled with mischief. She stood and held out her hand, and I took it tentatively, and she led me out the door and down to the beach with the other partygoers.
And did we have fun! There was a band, and dancing, a big buffet, and buckets of beer being handed out. As the sun went down they lit the fire. It was too hot to be right up next to it, so we moved a bit away. As the band played a mellow tune, Anne slipped an arm around my waist. I turned to face her and rested my arms on her shoulders and we began to sway back and forth to the music. We were almost exactly the same height, and when she leaned in to give me a soft, sweet kiss, it just seemed so natural.
“Come with me,” she whispered. She picked up our bucket of beers, and taking my hand led me away from the crowd and down the beach. There was a little cove a ways away that she directed me to. I’d been there the day before collecting shells, and because it was a bit rocky, it was usually fairly quiet.
Anne put the beers down on a flat rock, and handed one to me then took one for herself. We sat down and peered out at the water, taking in the moon and all the stars reflecting on its surface, “Isn’t it beautiful?” she murmured.
I moved closer to her, and rested my head on her shoulder, “It is.”
We sat quietly like that for a while, arms around each other’s waists, and sipping our drinks. When they were empty I raised my head and asked, “Why don’t we go for a swim?”
She turned to me and grinned, and stood to take off her shorts while I slipped off my skirt. We picked our way carefully to the water, and laughed as the water came up and tickled our feet. We made our way out a little deeper and splashed around a little bit, reveling in the wonderfully warm water. We soon found ourselves back in each other’s arms, and this time when we kissed, there was a much greater need to it.
Anne pulled me tight to her, and kissed me hungrily. Her hands moved up my back and untied my bikini top, and she slipped her tongue past my parted lips. As our tongues sparred, her hands came around and cupped my breasts, her thumbs making little circles around my nipples. I groaned, and she moved her mouth to my neck, sucking gently on the soft skin there.
“I wanted you the minute I saw you come into the bar looking so grumpy, and fussing with that ugly gown,” she whispered in my ear, “You were so cute.”
We looked at each other and giggled. I let my hands roam over her lithe body, reveling in the softness of her, but then looked down and blushed, “I’ve never been with another woman before,” I admitted.
“If you don’t want to do this…” she started.
I silenced her with a kiss, “Oh, but I do,” I reassured her.
She lifted her top and took my hands, placing them on her breasts, “Then explore.”
And I did. I felt the wonderful weight of them, and ran my thumbs over her little nipples. We kissed some more, and her hand snaked down my belly, and slipped into my swimsuit bottom, her long fingers stroking between my legs. I was so wet, and she let out a little laugh, “I guess you really do want this.”
Feeling a bit bolder, I ran my fingers through her hair, and pulled her back into a kiss. Soon it wasn’t just the water that was getting warm as our hands explored and our nipples brushed against each other. Anne broke away suddenly, “God, Tessa…let’s go. I want to taste every inch of you.”
We quickly moved back to shore rearranging our suits as we went, and picked up our clothes and the bucket and headed back to my cottage. The second the door closed, we were all over each other. The swimsuits quickly came off as we kissed our way to the bed. I stopped just long enough to pull down the duvet, and Anne pushed me down onto the soft mattress.
Her hands and mouth felt like they were everywhere at once. She latched onto one of my nipples, and little sparks went off in my core. I cried out and lifted my hips off the bed, and our groins met and rubbed against each other for a moment, making me shudder. She moved to the other nipple, and I moaned as she began to trail a line of kisses down my torso.
She spread my legs, and eased down between them. She kissed her way up one leg then up the other, each time getting tantalizing close to where I wanted her. When she finally got there, it was incredible. She explored my folds leisurely, sucking on them, lightly licking them apart and exposing my clit, which she nibbled on, and flicked with her tongue.
It was utter bliss…I had never felt anything like it. I’d always heard that having another woman go down on you is different somehow than a man doing it, and no matter how good a guy is the woman is always better. I was starting to believe this was true.
As she teased my clit, she slid two fingers into my pussy, stroking them in and out. The combination of her caresses and her mouth were making me go out of my head. I tangled my fingers in her hair and mewled as she brought me closer to the brink, and when she added a third finger I went completely over the edge.
I came so hard, my body quaking as Anne continued to suck my clit. I finally had to push her head away as it was just too intense and she looked up at me with a smile, my juices covering her lips. I pulled her up and kissed her feverishly, my hands moving down to her ass and squeezing it gently. I loved kissing her…lightly biting her soft lips, running my tongue along the line of her teeth, exploring her mouth.
Overcome with need, I rolled her over onto her back. It was my turn to taste her, and I started by nuzzling her neck, nibbling and sucking on it. I knelt up and looked at her…she was radiant with her blond curls, big blue eyes, and Cupid’s bow lips. Her full breasts were lightly tanned, and tipped with dark peach nipples, and my mouth literally watered at the sight of her.
I caressed her breasts, and lightly strummed her nipples, watching her face…fascinated with every change in her expression. I ran my hands down her belly, and felt her muscles flutter under her skin which was velvet soft. I leaned over and took one nipple into my mouth, tasting the salt of the ocean on her skin, and suckled lightly. She arched her back and I sucked on it a little harder, and heard her moan with pleasure. I pinched her other nipple lightly, rolling it between my fingertips.
Hungry for more, I moved my hands down her sides and underneath her to grab her ass, and shimmied down to her pussy. I hesitated a moment unsure of where to begin, and figured I’d just try on her what I liked on myself.
I used my fingers to gently caress her skin which had just the slightest bit of fuzz. A drop of moisture seeped out from between her lips, and I tentatively reached out my tongue to catch it, which made her moan. Emboldened by the idea that I was actually doing something right, I stiffened my tongue, and slid it past her lips, and licked her a little harder. She tasted salty but sweet, and I took my time exploring this new, yet still familiar, territory.
I mimicked what she had done with me, and replaced my tongue with my fingers, and moved my attention to her clit. I circled it with my tongue and was rewarded with Anne bucking her hips, driving her pussy even harder against my mouth. She let out a cry as I took it between my lips, and gently sucked on it, as I continued to probe her pussy with my fingers. I added a third, getting it nice and wet, then removed it and rubbed it against her tight asshole. She let out a whimper as I got it nice and slick, and slowly inserted my digit, massaging the thin skin that divided her two holes.
She thrashed around as I worked on her, her hands in tight fists gripping the sheets, and I had the overwhelming desire to make her come. I zeroed back in on her clit, and sucked it a little harder, flicking my tongue across it, as I thrust into her with my fingers. Soon her body went stiff, and she covered her mouth with one hand to stifle her shout as she came.
I licked up her sweet juices, and covered her with kisses, and she soon grabbed at my shoulders to pull me up on top of her. We kissed for a while, grinding our mounds together causing little sparks of pleasure to shoot through us, but soon dozed in the warmth of each other’s arms.
I woke up a bit later and shifted, and found her awake and looking at me. She didn’t say anything, just stroked her fingers down my cheek. I snuggled against her, kissing every bit of her flesh that my mouth could reach. We chatted a while, sharing things about our life, what we did for work and fun, and the more we talked and giggled together, the more I wanted her again.
As if sensing this, she suggested we take a shower, and wash the rest of the salt off our skin from our swim earlier. The cottage had a nice big shower, and soon we were washing each other, and kissing some more. The washcloths were quickly dropped as our hands took over, and soon we were fingering and stroking each other, our wet skin sliding together until we both came, moaning as our tongues tangled together.
We held each other under the spray until the water began to cool, then dried off and went back to bed. This time we fell asleep for real, and as dawn broke I woke to find I was by myself. I was disappointed to say the least and with a sad sigh rolled out of bed. I slipped on some clothes, figuring I’d go get some breakfast, and opened the door just as Anne was about to slip the key into the lock.
She let out a surprised, “Oh!” and looked embarrassed, “I was hoping to be back before you woke up, Tessa. I went out to go by my room, and to pick us up some breakfast. I sort of stole your key…I hope you don’t mind.”
I must have still looked upset, because she put everything down, and took my face in her hands, “Oh Baby…you didn’t really think I’d just slip away without a word, did you?”
“I wasn’t sure,” I murmured, and she pulled me close and kissed me, and wrapped me up in a big hug.
“C’mon, let’s eat,” she laughed, and then added with a wink, “I have a feeling you’ll need your strength for what I have planned for you this morning.” She opened up the carryout boxes, and we sat and ate in comfortable silence, and sipped on coffee she’d brought with.
Anne reached down and rummaged in the bag by her feet and came up with a bottle of champagne and a carafe of orange juice. She opened the champagne with a pop, and poured out a couple of mimosas. We finished breakfast - and eventually the champagne - and put the remains outside to be picked up. She led me back to the bedroom then ran back out to retrieve her bag. She dropped it on the floor and reached for me, expertly divesting us of our clothes, until we were rolling around on the bed again, kissing passionately.
She rolled me over onto my belly, and lifted my hips until I was face down and ass up. She lay down between my legs, and lowered my pussy to her mouth, and soon had me trembling as she expertly ate me out. I begged her to get into a 69 with me, but she sat up and laughed, “Oh no, Baby…first I’m going to give you the fucking you deserve.”
I heard some odd noises, and looked back curiously to find her removing an intricate harness from her bag. It had the usual dildo coming from the front, but another one that slid inside of her, as well. She caught me looking and laughed, “What can I say? I always travel prepared.”
She slid her dildo into place with a little gasp and strapped on the harness, then got back on the bed with me. She kissed and nibbled on my ass cheeks, and reached beneath me to tweak my nipples, then slid her fingers down to stroke my clit. I was panting with need at this point, and when I felt the head of the dildo sliding along my nether lips, I groaned.
“Do you want me inside you, Baby?” she whispered.
“Please,” I whimpered, “I want you so bad, I can’t stand it.”
She slowly inserted the head into me, and I pushed back against it. When it bottomed out, she groaned. By fucking me, she was also sort of fucking herself, pleasuring both of us at the same time. She started out slowly, taking her time as she worked the toy in and out of my eager pussy. Fucking doggy style was my favorite position however, and it wasn’t long until I begged her to take me harder.
She gradually increased her pace, but it wasn’t long until we had built up to a frantic tempo, and she draped herself over me, and held me around the waist as she pounded into me. The dildos penetrating us were simultaneously stroking our g-spots, and the base of the one inside me was also working on her clit. I reached down and stroked mine, and I panted that I wanted her to come with me. It wasn’t long until that happened, and at that point I was glad to have the cottage because we made an enormous racket as we shuddered and shook through our simultaneous climax.
Since unlike a penis the dildos never went soft, we just continued to fuck our way to a couple more orgasms until it just became too much to handle, and we collapsed on the bed in a tangle of limbs. She unbuckled the harness and set it aside then took me in her arms, and hugged me tight.
“Did you enjoy that?” she asked.
I looked deep in eyes and admitted, “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced.”
She smiled happily and kissed me, “Please tell me that we’ll see each other again after this week is over.”
I smiled back shyly, “I’d like that very much.”
That afternoon Anne deserted her room and moved in with me. We spent the rest of the week talking, laughing, swimming, eating, and fucking. And as the evening before we had to leave fell, we stood in the ocean with our arms around each other, watching the sun set, and the stars come out, and knew that we’d found the love our lives.
It is two years later now, and we’re still together, and as happy as we can be. It hasn’t all been easy, but the journey has been worth it. I kept that bridesmaid’s dress as a reminder of how it brought us together, and tomorrow it’s going to be made into ring bearer pillows for our wedding. I’ve never been more happy thanks to that ugly thing.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
The Seduction of Elise - Part V
Prior chapters of this story can be found in reverse order here.
When Adam left her on Thursday morning he gave her some instructions on how to dress and act on Saturday, and that he’d be there promptly at 8:00 to fetch her. Now that she was getting ready, she was hesitant about the last order, which was to not wear any undergarments.
It wasn’t necessarily an issue of modesty – although that bothered her a bit as well considering the high cut slits on her dress – but more an embarrassing worry that she’d get turned on by her surroundings, and damage the lining of it as a result. Not to mention she was curious to find out what might happen if she didn’t do exactly what Adam said, but a little afraid too. She opted to chance it, and slipped on the tiniest string bikini she owned, figuring that it wouldn’t show.
She took another look in the mirror, and was again momentarily surprised by the face that looked back at her. She normally didn’t wear much makeup, but tonight she was fully done up, her pale skin powdered, eyes lined elegantly in liquid black liner, brows perfectly arched, and a deep crimson lipstick staining her lips. She’d gone shopping for it all earlier in the day, and had let the salesgirl at the cosmetics counter give her some tips on how to apply it. Her hair was pulled back into a high and tight ponytail which emphasized her features even more, and the loose end of it spilled down her back in fat curls.
She was just putting in her earrings when there was a knock. She glanced at the clock, and noted with some relief that he was early. As she hurried to get the door, she was glad she’d convinced herself to take little extra time to get ready. She opened the door, and held her breath.
Adam stood outside in his impeccably tailored tuxedo, and took her in. She looked…decadent. His eyes drank her in, moving down her body and back up to her perfect face.
“You look incredible,” he murmured.
Elise let out a little sigh of relief, “I’m glad you approve.” She stepped back to let him in, and he closed the door behind him.
“I know I’m early, but I realized I’d forgotten a key part of your outfit. Hold out your hands, please.”
She did as he requested, and Adam proceeded to wrap some velvet lined red leather cuffs around her wrists. They matched her shoes perfectly, and had the same silver buckles and rings. He buckled them tight but not uncomfortably so. When he was finished he took her hands in his and pulled her close, kissing her lightly on the forehead.
“Now you’re ready,” he noticed her hesitate, “is something wrong?”
“I wasn’t sure whether to bring a bag…”
“All you’ll need is your ID and keys, and I will hold onto those for you.”
She fetched those items, and he led her down to the car. Always a gentleman, he opened the car door for her, and she slid in. He caught a tantalizing view of her sleek bare leg and smiled. Once she was settled, he got in and they took off.
The drive was longer than she expected, and they ended up in the outskirts of town, in an area with large, private estates. She giggled nervously, and he glanced over at her, “Something funny?”
“I’m just getting some ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ vibes from these houses. I though you said it was a club?”
“It is, sort of. It’s actually more like a monthly party at the owner’s private residence. It’s one of those things where most of the neighbors know what’s going on, but since there’s never any fuss no one talks about it.”
He turned into a long drive, stopped outside the gate, and pressed a button in the panel on the driver’s side column. A voice crackled through the speaker, and he gave a numbered code. In seconds, the gate began to swing silently open. They went up the curved drive, and Adam stepped out, while a valet opened her door for her, and proffered his hand to help her out.
Adam came around, and put a possessive hand on her lower back. Into her ear he whispered, “Remember what I told you. Keep your eyes down, speak only when spoken to, and use ‘Sir’ or ‘Madam’ when addressing others. You can speak freely to me when we’re in private, but only then. Understood?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Good girl.”
They walked in the door, and got in a receiving line of sorts. Elise couldn’t help but look around furtively, and she saw a woman she presumed to be their hostess sitting in an ornate chair up on a platform. She was a beautiful woman of about 65 years old, and on either side of the chair were two exceedingly handsome men, both stripped to waist, perfectly sculpted, and as still as statues. As couples passed, the submissive of the pair would either curtsey or bow depending on their sex.
This was a bit of etiquette that Adam had failed to tell her about. She guessed it was his way of keeping her a little off balance, but she smiled as she realized that in this case she had a bit of an ace up her sleeve.
Soon they were presented to their hostess and to Adam’s surprise, Elise executed a perfect deep curtsey, the kind a prima ballerina would give at the end of a performance. As she stood she kept her eyes down as Adam had instructed.
“Adam! How wonderful to see you!” their hostess exclaimed. She stood and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“Madam Margaret…you look stunning as always.”
“So, this is the new girl that you were telling me about,” Elise felt a finger under her chin, and her head was tipped up, “She’s beautiful…and finally a sub that knows how to curtsey properly. Is she really new to the lifestyle?”
“She is.”
“What is your name, child,” the woman asked her.
“My name is Elise, Madam,” she replied quietly.
“It suits you. You are a lucky girl…Adam will be a wonderful Master to you.”
Madam Margaret turned back to Adam, and Elise lowered her head, “I’m sure you’ll have a lovely time this evening. I have observation room three reserved for you, and your waiter’s name is Michael. Call on him if you need anything at all.”
“Thank you very much, Madam,” Adam replied, lifting her hand to his lips, “Your hospitality is unsurpassed as usual. Elise, follow me.”
With that they left the platform, and headed out into the vast entry hall. Their reserved room was on the second floor, and Adam steadied her as they ascended the stairs. They found their room with the waiter standing at attention outside. Adam ordered a vodka tonic for himself, and a glass of pinot noir for her, and they entered.
From the outside the room looked wide, but inside it was actually narrow; a mere slice of space carved out of two neighboring rooms, with just enough room for a couch and a couple of end tables on either side. Two slim floor lamps tucked in the back corners provided the only light in the room. The inside walls were currently covered with heavy cream colored curtains. Adam closed the door behind them and turned to her with a grin.
“Well, you’re full of surprises.”
Elise leaned against the back of the couch, and tried to hold back a smile but failed, “Twelve years of ballet finally paid off.”
“Twelve years? Why did you quit?”
“I had to. I had late growth spurt when I was 15, but instead of growing up, I filled out. But I still practice every morning, and I have a little studio in the basement with a ballet barre and mirrors.”
Adam got a mischievous glint in his eye, “Do you? That could come in handy for other things, too.”
She laughed, but then stilled when he suddenly got serious and added, “We’ll wait until Michael comes back with our drinks before we get started. However, we need to discuss the fact that you didn’t follow my instructions on what not to wear this evening.”
Elise started and looked over at him, “How did you…”
He smirked, “As you showed off your curtsey, you also showed off your panty line.”
She blushed, “I’m sorry…I was just nervous, and I didn’t want to ruin the dress.”
“Ruin the dress? How so?”
She turned even redder, “I was afraid that if I got…aroused… I didn’t want to stain the lining.”
Adam stared at her for a moment, and then laughed, “My dear, that’s what dry cleaners are for.”
But she looked so miserable and embarrassed, that he went over to her, took her in his arms, and gave her a gentle kiss, “You are so sweet,” he whispered, “and that will get you a little mercy this evening. Now, take them off and give them to me.”
She pulled back and looked up at him, then silently slid them down her legs, and gave them over. He tucked them into his jacket pocket, as a knock on the door announced the arrival of their waiter. He dropped the drinks off on one of the end tables, and Adam slipped him a tip. He bowed and left quietly, shutting the door tightly behind him.
Adam handed Elise her wine, and she sat down on the couch, sipping it nervously as he opened the curtains. They revealed floor to ceiling windows that he assured her were one way glass. They would be able to observe, but the people inside couldn’t see them. At the moment the rooms – bedecked with all kinds of interesting apparatuses - were empty, which is why it had been so quiet. But after a few moments a couple entered the room on the left, and after a beat another couple entered the right.
“Let the show begin,” he murmured.
When Adam left her on Thursday morning he gave her some instructions on how to dress and act on Saturday, and that he’d be there promptly at 8:00 to fetch her. Now that she was getting ready, she was hesitant about the last order, which was to not wear any undergarments.
It wasn’t necessarily an issue of modesty – although that bothered her a bit as well considering the high cut slits on her dress – but more an embarrassing worry that she’d get turned on by her surroundings, and damage the lining of it as a result. Not to mention she was curious to find out what might happen if she didn’t do exactly what Adam said, but a little afraid too. She opted to chance it, and slipped on the tiniest string bikini she owned, figuring that it wouldn’t show.
She took another look in the mirror, and was again momentarily surprised by the face that looked back at her. She normally didn’t wear much makeup, but tonight she was fully done up, her pale skin powdered, eyes lined elegantly in liquid black liner, brows perfectly arched, and a deep crimson lipstick staining her lips. She’d gone shopping for it all earlier in the day, and had let the salesgirl at the cosmetics counter give her some tips on how to apply it. Her hair was pulled back into a high and tight ponytail which emphasized her features even more, and the loose end of it spilled down her back in fat curls.
She was just putting in her earrings when there was a knock. She glanced at the clock, and noted with some relief that he was early. As she hurried to get the door, she was glad she’d convinced herself to take little extra time to get ready. She opened the door, and held her breath.
Adam stood outside in his impeccably tailored tuxedo, and took her in. She looked…decadent. His eyes drank her in, moving down her body and back up to her perfect face.
“You look incredible,” he murmured.
Elise let out a little sigh of relief, “I’m glad you approve.” She stepped back to let him in, and he closed the door behind him.
“I know I’m early, but I realized I’d forgotten a key part of your outfit. Hold out your hands, please.”
She did as he requested, and Adam proceeded to wrap some velvet lined red leather cuffs around her wrists. They matched her shoes perfectly, and had the same silver buckles and rings. He buckled them tight but not uncomfortably so. When he was finished he took her hands in his and pulled her close, kissing her lightly on the forehead.
“Now you’re ready,” he noticed her hesitate, “is something wrong?”
“I wasn’t sure whether to bring a bag…”
“All you’ll need is your ID and keys, and I will hold onto those for you.”
She fetched those items, and he led her down to the car. Always a gentleman, he opened the car door for her, and she slid in. He caught a tantalizing view of her sleek bare leg and smiled. Once she was settled, he got in and they took off.
The drive was longer than she expected, and they ended up in the outskirts of town, in an area with large, private estates. She giggled nervously, and he glanced over at her, “Something funny?”
“I’m just getting some ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ vibes from these houses. I though you said it was a club?”
“It is, sort of. It’s actually more like a monthly party at the owner’s private residence. It’s one of those things where most of the neighbors know what’s going on, but since there’s never any fuss no one talks about it.”
He turned into a long drive, stopped outside the gate, and pressed a button in the panel on the driver’s side column. A voice crackled through the speaker, and he gave a numbered code. In seconds, the gate began to swing silently open. They went up the curved drive, and Adam stepped out, while a valet opened her door for her, and proffered his hand to help her out.
Adam came around, and put a possessive hand on her lower back. Into her ear he whispered, “Remember what I told you. Keep your eyes down, speak only when spoken to, and use ‘Sir’ or ‘Madam’ when addressing others. You can speak freely to me when we’re in private, but only then. Understood?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Good girl.”
They walked in the door, and got in a receiving line of sorts. Elise couldn’t help but look around furtively, and she saw a woman she presumed to be their hostess sitting in an ornate chair up on a platform. She was a beautiful woman of about 65 years old, and on either side of the chair were two exceedingly handsome men, both stripped to waist, perfectly sculpted, and as still as statues. As couples passed, the submissive of the pair would either curtsey or bow depending on their sex.
This was a bit of etiquette that Adam had failed to tell her about. She guessed it was his way of keeping her a little off balance, but she smiled as she realized that in this case she had a bit of an ace up her sleeve.
Soon they were presented to their hostess and to Adam’s surprise, Elise executed a perfect deep curtsey, the kind a prima ballerina would give at the end of a performance. As she stood she kept her eyes down as Adam had instructed.
“Adam! How wonderful to see you!” their hostess exclaimed. She stood and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“Madam Margaret…you look stunning as always.”
“So, this is the new girl that you were telling me about,” Elise felt a finger under her chin, and her head was tipped up, “She’s beautiful…and finally a sub that knows how to curtsey properly. Is she really new to the lifestyle?”
“She is.”
“What is your name, child,” the woman asked her.
“My name is Elise, Madam,” she replied quietly.
“It suits you. You are a lucky girl…Adam will be a wonderful Master to you.”
Madam Margaret turned back to Adam, and Elise lowered her head, “I’m sure you’ll have a lovely time this evening. I have observation room three reserved for you, and your waiter’s name is Michael. Call on him if you need anything at all.”
“Thank you very much, Madam,” Adam replied, lifting her hand to his lips, “Your hospitality is unsurpassed as usual. Elise, follow me.”
With that they left the platform, and headed out into the vast entry hall. Their reserved room was on the second floor, and Adam steadied her as they ascended the stairs. They found their room with the waiter standing at attention outside. Adam ordered a vodka tonic for himself, and a glass of pinot noir for her, and they entered.
From the outside the room looked wide, but inside it was actually narrow; a mere slice of space carved out of two neighboring rooms, with just enough room for a couch and a couple of end tables on either side. Two slim floor lamps tucked in the back corners provided the only light in the room. The inside walls were currently covered with heavy cream colored curtains. Adam closed the door behind them and turned to her with a grin.
“Well, you’re full of surprises.”
Elise leaned against the back of the couch, and tried to hold back a smile but failed, “Twelve years of ballet finally paid off.”
“Twelve years? Why did you quit?”
“I had to. I had late growth spurt when I was 15, but instead of growing up, I filled out. But I still practice every morning, and I have a little studio in the basement with a ballet barre and mirrors.”
Adam got a mischievous glint in his eye, “Do you? That could come in handy for other things, too.”
She laughed, but then stilled when he suddenly got serious and added, “We’ll wait until Michael comes back with our drinks before we get started. However, we need to discuss the fact that you didn’t follow my instructions on what not to wear this evening.”
Elise started and looked over at him, “How did you…”
He smirked, “As you showed off your curtsey, you also showed off your panty line.”
She blushed, “I’m sorry…I was just nervous, and I didn’t want to ruin the dress.”
“Ruin the dress? How so?”
She turned even redder, “I was afraid that if I got…aroused… I didn’t want to stain the lining.”
Adam stared at her for a moment, and then laughed, “My dear, that’s what dry cleaners are for.”
But she looked so miserable and embarrassed, that he went over to her, took her in his arms, and gave her a gentle kiss, “You are so sweet,” he whispered, “and that will get you a little mercy this evening. Now, take them off and give them to me.”
She pulled back and looked up at him, then silently slid them down her legs, and gave them over. He tucked them into his jacket pocket, as a knock on the door announced the arrival of their waiter. He dropped the drinks off on one of the end tables, and Adam slipped him a tip. He bowed and left quietly, shutting the door tightly behind him.
Adam handed Elise her wine, and she sat down on the couch, sipping it nervously as he opened the curtains. They revealed floor to ceiling windows that he assured her were one way glass. They would be able to observe, but the people inside couldn’t see them. At the moment the rooms – bedecked with all kinds of interesting apparatuses - were empty, which is why it had been so quiet. But after a few moments a couple entered the room on the left, and after a beat another couple entered the right.
“Let the show begin,” he murmured.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Happy Endings
Author's note: Taking a brief break from Adam and Elise, but I hope to get part five up soon. In the meantime, here's a little distraction for you. I hope you enjoy it!
Her man had been feeling out of sorts lately, so
she decided to do something about it. She went out that morning to do a little
shopping and came back with some candles, a CD with some soothing music on it,
massage oil, and some smooth black basalt rocks.
When he got home she fixed him some hot tea and shooed
him off to the bathroom to the nice warm bath she’d drawn for him. While he
soaked she heated up the rocks, lit the candles, and started the music. When
everything was ready, she called for him to dry off and join her in the
bedroom. He came in to find it glowing with the soft flicker of the candles,
and she led him to the bed and had him lie down on the soft towels she’d laid
out. When he was settled, she draped another towel over his ass and straddled
his legs.
She drizzled some of the warm woodsy scented oil down his
back and began to smooth it into his skin with firm strokes, kneading the knots
out of his shoulders and back. She reached for the rocks and placed them in the
areas of his back that were the tightest, while she moved down to work the
muscles in his legs. She knew she was doing a good job when she heard him let
out a little sigh, and felt him relax even more into the bed.
When his legs were done, she scooted back up and took all
but two of the rocks off. She held onto those two and began to smooth them
firmly along his back, the heat soothing the tension, and soon the stiffness in
his muscles began to melt away.
She had him turn over and noticed that while his muscles
had been losing their stiffness, other parts of his anatomy had not. Stifling a
smile she draped the towel over his pelvis, and in as businesslike a manner as
she could muster she straddled him again, poured more of the warm oil into her
hands, and began to work on his arms kneading her way from his shoulders down
to his hands. But before she could start on his chest, he playfully ground his
hips up against her.
The movement made her let out a little gasp, and while
she was distracted, he pulled her down into a bear hug. Murmuring in her ear,
he asked what all this was for, and she replied that she knew he had been
stressed out and was just trying to help him relax. He tugged at her tank top
suggesting another way she could do that, and she giggled. With a blush she sat
up, pulled off her tank top, and unhooked her bra.
She lay back down on him and they kissed…a slow, languorous,
sexy kiss. His hands roamed over her back, and she arched it slightly, loving
the feel of her soft skin against his.
He moved his mouth down to nuzzle her neck, and she ran
her fingers through his hair and let out a little moan. His lips left a trail
of sensation that made her shiver. He pushed her up slightly, and palmed her
breasts, feeling her nipples tighten at his touch. He ran his thumbs over and
around them as he sat them both up. She rose up on her knees a little to offer
them to him, and he took one in his mouth and sucked it lightly while his
fingers gently squeezed the other.
She broke away reluctantly for a moment to shimmy out of
her yoga pants, then pushed him back down and raked her fingers lightly over
his chest as she moved her body down his. She slid the towel that was covering
him aside, and blew lightly on his cock, causing him to let out a little gasp. She
licked up his length slowly and took the crown between her lips, swirling her
tongue over the head, and began to slowly work his length into her warm wet
mouth. She hollowed her cheeks to make a tight seal around him, and hummed with
pleasure, the vibrations causing him to buck his hips a little.
He told her to move into a 69, so she swiveled around
and let him peel down her panties and work them off her legs, then she
straddled his head and perched her pussy over his face. He opened her folds, and
he flicked his thumb against her clit a couple of times causing her to lift her
head and gasp. She begged him to suck it, and lowered her mouth back onto his
cock as he pulled down on her hips and sealed his lips to her clit and flicked
it with his tongue. He worked two fingers into her pussy, slowly twisting them
inside her.
His attentions caused her to suck his cock with a bit
more intensity, but when his fingers curled and he began to stroke her g-spot
she became frantic for his cock inside her. She lifted herself off of him, and
turned around to kiss him lustily, tasting her juices on his lips, and slowly took
his cock inside her, moaning as his thickness filled her up. He held her
tightly against him as she began to ride him. The romantic mood of the room
lulled her into moving slowly at first…kissing him, stroking his hair, nipping
his earlobe, and sighing happily.
But he had other ideas and began to move his hips more
aggressively, quickening the pace. Soon she was caught up in it, and she
tightened around him as he worked his cock inside her. She knelt up and slipped
her fingers between where they were joined, gathered up some of her wetness,
and began to stroke her clit, while she pinched her nipples with her other hand
until they were jutting out in excitement.
He grasped her thighs and dug his fingers in, saying that
he was about to come. She could feel his cock expand inside her, and she
stroked herself a bit faster. He encouraged her to come with him, and as he
slammed inside her, she was overcome with a shuddering orgasm, her pussy
spasming around him, milking his cum from him.
Once she caught her breath, she lay back on top of him,
and they kissed for awhile, until he moved her to his side and spooned around
her, and they fell into a light sleep. She woke up a bit later to feel his
weight on her, and saw that he was squirting some of the massage oil into his
hands. She smiled and asked him what he was up to, and he murmured for her to
just go with it. So she burrowed back into the pillow to wait and see what he
had planned.
He smoothed the oil over her back, and she let out a sigh
of pleasure as his strong hands worked it into her skin. He moved his way down
to her ass, and she instinctively raised it up a little. He leaned over and
whispered into her ear what a naughty girl she was, and she laughed and waggled
her bum at him.
She gasped as he dripped some of the oil down her butt
crack and slicked up her little rosebud. Her gasps turned to moans as he worked
his thumb into her tight hole, working it in little by little as his cock
invaded her pussy, thrusting slowly. She let out a contented sigh every time
she felt his balls slap against her, and she began to move her body with the
rhythm he set. But her eyes opened wide as he began to slide his other thumb
into her ass, and began to stretch her open slowly and gently.
This double invasion got her all worked up. She lifted
herself up on her hands and knees, and moved her hand to her clit to strum it
softly. His fingers dug into her cheeks, pulling them apart as she relaxed her
rear entry for him. Panting with need, she begged him to fuck her ass. He
quickly replaced his thumbs with his cock, and she let out a little cry of joy
as he thrust in firmly.
Soon all pretense of romance was replaced by undiluted
lust as she begged him to give it to her harder. He was happy to oblige, and it
wasn’t long until they were both on the brink. He pushed her hand away and took
over pleasuring her, thrusting two fingers into her pussy and using his thumb to rub her clit. It wasn’t long until she came with a little scream,
and buried her face into her pillow to stifle her cries. Her ass clamped down around
his cock, and with a groan he released a volley of cum deep into it.
Exhausted, she
collapsed on the bed taking him with her, and they lay in a sweaty, oily,
gasping heap. After a few minutes her ass relaxed enough for him to slip out of
her, and she protested quietly. He chuckled in her ear and held her tight,
suggesting that maybe a quick shower was in order.
As they soaped each other up, stroking, tickling, and
nuzzling as the water streamed down on them, she asked if he was feeling
better. As he wrapped her up in his arms and kissed her, she knew that was all
the answer she needed.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
The Seduction of Elise - Part IV
Click here for Part I, Part II, and Part III.
Elise was excited and a little giddy about her shopping trip with Adam. He’d called her earlier in the week to get her dress size and measurements, and she was curious to see what he had in store for her. At 6:45 she began to close up and by 7:00 was outside her store, which was locked up tight.
Adam drove up and leaned over to open the passenger door, and she slipped into the seat. After a quick kiss she sat back and buckled her seatbelt. They drove to the part of town that every city has...a little seedy, usually catering to the artists and those with alternative lifestyles.
They pulled in front of a shop selling a variety of leather goods, including clothing. As they entered Elise couldn’t help but gaze over the racks of crops, whips, paddles, straps, and other accoutrements. They headed to the back of the store where the more expensive items were kept and were met by the manager, an older, bearded, and heavily tattooed man that warmly greeted Adam, and introduced himself to her as George.
“Dr. Walther! It’s always so nice to see you, sir. I’ve put the items you requested in dressing room three. Please let me know if there’s anything you need.”
“Thank you, George. It’s much appreciated,” Adam smiled, and led Elise to the rear of the store where the dressing rooms were. She drew back the curtain, and was faced with a rack of assorted dresses. Adam came up behind her and murmured, “I’m sure not all of these will be your style. I just had George pull what he thought would fit from the information you gave me. But give them a try, and let’s have a little fun.”
She looked through some of the dresses and giggled. She couldn’t wait to see what some of the wilder garments would look like. Adam stepped out, and she undressed to try on the first dress. She glanced at the signs in the dressing room and let out a laugh.
“What’s so funny?”
“The signs in here…’Only ONE person in the dressing room at a time!’, ‘Underwear MUST remain on while trying on clothes!’, ‘All garments WILL be inspected upon return!’, and ‘Dressing rooms CAN be monitored at any time!’…I’m guessing they’ve had issues with some hanky panky in here in the past.”
She finished putting on the first dress - a tawdry looking halter dress with lots of studs and chains - and stepped out of the room to get Adam’s input. His look of dismay caused another fit of laugher from her. He pointed her back into the dressing room, and she removed that one and tried on the next. That dress got a similar reaction, so she went back in to try on another one.
The next couple didn’t fit at all, so she skipped showing Adam those. A couple of the dresses weren’t leather but latex, and she dismissed those as well. They were far too tight and sticky. And then…she saw it.
“Are you alive in there?” Adam inquired.
“Sorry, the last couple didn’t fit. But if the one I’m looking at does, I think we’ve found it.”
“I can’t wait to see it.”
She slipped the dress on. It was a cap sleeved, black leather cheongsam style dress, with red leather piping and frog closures, and was embroidered with black silk thread and lined in red silk. It had a high mandarin collar that buckled in the back, a modest keyhole opening in the front, and a very deep keyhole in the back. It was cut so low that her purple lace boyshorts were peeping out. The length was to just below the knees, and it was scandalously slit up both sides to mid hip.
With bright eyes, she pulled the curtain aside and stepped out. Adam let out a low whistle, and smiled appreciatively. He motioned for her to spin around and nodded his approval. As she admired it in the three-way mirror, Adam came up behind her, and put his hands on her shoulders. She met his eyes, and noticed the wolfish smile on his face.
“All I want to do right now is lift up the back of this skirt, and turn your bottom the same lovely shade of red as that lining. So you’d best take it off before I do it, and get us kicked out of the store.”
Elise wiggled her hips back into him, and he grinned. He gave her a swat on the behind and scooted her back towards the dressing room. She laughed and went in to change, and then they carried the dress to the counter.
“Now…shoes,” Adam led her to the shoe section, and they perused the selection. After a few minutes of looking he called her over, “How about these?”
Elise walked over, and saw him holding a pair of simple red leather pumps with a slight platform, and high spike heel. They had a wide ankle strap with a silver buckle and a sturdy ring. She sat down and tried on a pair in her size. She managed the heels well and took a graceful turn in them, surprised that they were more comfortable than they looked.
“They’re perfect!” she exclaimed.
“Wonderful. Why don’t you wander around while I pay for this, and then we’ll go get something to eat.”
“Are you sure I can’t…”
Adam put a finger on her lips, “This is on me. Trust me, showing you off in this outfit will be all the payment I need,” he leaned and kissed her, “among other things,” he winked, and headed to the counter.
After they left, he took her to a small diner nearby. It wasn’t much to look at, but it was clean and the food was greasy and delicious. As they laughed and chatted through dinner, she was seeing a relaxed and more humorous side to Adam, and found it very appealing.
On the drive home, things were quiet but comfortable. When they got to Elise’s, Adam retrieved her things from the trunk of the car, and then he walked her up to her apartment. She invited him in for a drink, and he accepted. Once they settled on the couch, his countenance became more serious once again.
“Elise, I wanted to talk to you about Saturday.”
She turned to him, “I’m glad you brought that up to be honest. I’m very curious…and a little nervous.”
“The place we’re going is a private club, owned by a dear old friend of mine. As you may have guessed, it is BDSM themed, and you will be going there as my submissive partner. I know on the sheet you gave me, you said you weren’t comfortable with doing any sort of play in public, and I want to assure you that will not happen.”
She nodded, and he saw that she was noticeably relieved.
“We are going there mostly to observe. I want to watch how you react to the things you see, so I’ve reserved a private observation room for us. We’ll be able to see other members, but they won’t be able to see us.”
“I’m guessing they know they might be being watched?”
“Oh yes. They get off on that sort of thing.” She tried not to smile, and shook her head a little. Adam put a finger under her chin, and lifted her head so that she was looking at him, “Are you all right?”
“I’m fine, I’m just a little overwhelmed by it all.”
He leaned in and kissed her, “Don’t be nervous,” he whispered, “I’ll be there with you all the way.”
Elise let out a little gasp as he entwined his fingers in her hair, and pulled her head back to expose her neck. His lips trailed down one side, then back up the other. When he reached her ear he growled, “Go to the bedroom, get undressed, and wait for me there.”
At his words, she felt a rush of moisture between her legs. He leaned back and she got up to do as he’d said. He walked into the kitchen and got another drink for himself, and after he figured she’d had enough time, he followed her.
He found her standing naked and still by the bed, obviously unsure of what to do. He glanced at her bed and smiled. The craftsman styled headboard was slatted, and perfect for what he had in mind. He walked up behind her, and ran his hands from her shoulders down her arms. He gripped her wrists and lifted her arms settling them behind his head.
She leaned back into him slightly as his hands began to explore her body, taking in her luscious curves. He cupped her breasts, drawing lazy circles around her nipples with his fingers. Suddenly he pinched them fairly hard.
Elise let out a little “Oh!”, and ground back against him. It had hurt a bit, but it also caused a rush of pleasure to go straight to her core. She pulled him a little closer, and he dragged her hair to the side, and lightly bit her neck.
“Do you have any scarves?” he asked.
She turned to face him, and he cocked an eyebrow at her and smirked. Wordlessly, she went over to her bureau and rummaged in the top drawer, and pulled some out. She handed them to him, and waited. He was pleased…she was trying so hard to remain calm, but he could tell by her breathing and the blush on her cheeks that there was some inner turmoil going on inside her.
“Lie on the bed, and put your hands over your head.”
She did as he ordered, and he walked over and soon had her hands secured to the headboard. She had one leg bent, and slightly crossed over the other, showing her vulnerability. Seeing her this way aroused him greatly, and he began to undress. She watched him intently with equal parts lust and apprehension.
Now as naked as she, he joined her on the bed and lay down next to her. He lightly ran his fingers up and down her torso, feeling the muscles flutter under her skin.
“What is your safe word, my dear?”
Elise had expected this question to come up, and had tried to think of something simple, but not something that would be said often during sex, “I’ve decided on lemon.”
“Lemon,” he repeated, “That should be easy enough to remember.” He pried her legs apart, and adjusted so that he kneeling between them, “You look so beautiful bound, my pet. I’ve wanted to see you like this for a long time.”
He bent over and kissed her gently, and began to move his mouth down her body. He latched onto one nipple and sucked on it, varying the pressure until she was squirming underneath him. He then moved to the other and repeated his actions. He trailed a line of kisses down her belly, stopping to tongue her little belly button.
He grabbed her hips, and held her tightly until she stilled. Spreading her legs even wider, he dipped his head until he was at eye level with her pretty pussy. Using his thumbs, he outlined her now puffy outer lips, and observed the moisture that trickled out from between them. Very slowly he licked it up, using just the tip of his tongue, and he heard her let out a shaky breath. He smiled, blew softly, and felt her shudder.
Adam continued to tease, kissing, nibbling, and licking her everywhere except directly on her clit. She was flushed, dripping, and considering the noises she was making, he was driving her crazy. Elise tried desperately to close her legs around his head, but a light slap on her inner thigh stopped her quick. He kept this up for almost half an hour, until he heard her sob. He looked up at her, and saw two tears slowly tracking down her cheeks.
“Is something wrong, my sweet girl?”
All she could say was “Oh please, oh please…”
“Please what?”
She took a deep breath, “Please, let me come.”
He chuckled, “You’re getting closer, try again.”
Elise was crying in earnest now, “Please, Sir…will you let me come?”
“Good girl…let me see what I can do.”
He lowered his head, and began to circle her clit with his tongue. Her hips lifted off the bed in response, and he took advantage of that to wrap his arms around her thighs to hold her still and sucked on it hard, causing her to cry out. He then nibbled lightly on it, and Elise nearly went out of her head.
Adam finally decided to take mercy on her, and alternated between gently sucking it, and lightly flicking his tongue across it until he felt her stiffen. Just as she was on the brink of a massive climax, he stopped.
Elise began to cry again, and he moved quickly up her body, shoving his hard cock into her in one swift motion. He ground his hips against her giving her clit the last bit of friction it needed to drive her over the edge. She locked her legs around him, and came with a little scream, clenching the walls of her pussy around his cock as he rocked it in and out of her.
Now more concerned with his own pleasure, he began to fuck her hard. She did her best to meet his thrusts, but he could tell she was nearly insensate. To get her to focus, he bit her lightly on her ear, and she turned her head towards him.
“Such pretty tears, my pet,” he whispered, “you are mine now. Do you understand?”
She nodded, and he kissed her, and thrust into her again and again, building up her pleasure as he took his own.
“Come for me, Elise…come for me, my gorgeous little slut.”
His words seemed to awaken something in her, and her motions became more precise. He knelt up, and plunged his cock into her, while using his thumb to rub her clit. She came again, more quietly this time, and her pussy milked his cock until he came with a groan, filling her with his cum.
He looked down at Elise. Her skin was mottled and covered with a sheen of sweat. Her hair was spread across the pillow and her mascara had streaked her face. She was straining against her bindings and still weeping a little, so he reached up and untied the scarves, and she lowered her hands slowly, covering her face with them.
Adam moved alongside her, and gathered her in his arms. He whispered sweet nothings in her ear while he rubbed her back. He kissed her neck, and let her cry into his shoulder. Things had gotten a bit more intense for her than he had planned, and he mentally scolded himself for forgetting that she was new to all of this.
After a few minutes she calmed down and snaked her arms around his neck, and he pulled back to look at her, and wiped away the remains of her tears.
“Are you all right?” he asked, almost hesitantly.
Elise let out a hiccup, and nodded.
“You were perfect, my sweet girl. I pushed you hard tonight, but you were wonderful. Now, be honest with me…did you enjoy it?”
She looked up at him, and gave him a smile that was almost beatific, “It was amazing.”
He took one of her wrists in his hand and kissed her pulse point, and noting the dent left behind by the scarf, rubbed it gently, “This is just the beginning, Elise. We’re going to go on quite a journey together. Do you think you’re ready?”
She snuggled into him, and he held her tight. She kissed along his jaw up to his ear and whispered, “I am.”
Elise was excited and a little giddy about her shopping trip with Adam. He’d called her earlier in the week to get her dress size and measurements, and she was curious to see what he had in store for her. At 6:45 she began to close up and by 7:00 was outside her store, which was locked up tight.
Adam drove up and leaned over to open the passenger door, and she slipped into the seat. After a quick kiss she sat back and buckled her seatbelt. They drove to the part of town that every city has...a little seedy, usually catering to the artists and those with alternative lifestyles.
They pulled in front of a shop selling a variety of leather goods, including clothing. As they entered Elise couldn’t help but gaze over the racks of crops, whips, paddles, straps, and other accoutrements. They headed to the back of the store where the more expensive items were kept and were met by the manager, an older, bearded, and heavily tattooed man that warmly greeted Adam, and introduced himself to her as George.
“Dr. Walther! It’s always so nice to see you, sir. I’ve put the items you requested in dressing room three. Please let me know if there’s anything you need.”
“Thank you, George. It’s much appreciated,” Adam smiled, and led Elise to the rear of the store where the dressing rooms were. She drew back the curtain, and was faced with a rack of assorted dresses. Adam came up behind her and murmured, “I’m sure not all of these will be your style. I just had George pull what he thought would fit from the information you gave me. But give them a try, and let’s have a little fun.”
She looked through some of the dresses and giggled. She couldn’t wait to see what some of the wilder garments would look like. Adam stepped out, and she undressed to try on the first dress. She glanced at the signs in the dressing room and let out a laugh.
“What’s so funny?”
“The signs in here…’Only ONE person in the dressing room at a time!’, ‘Underwear MUST remain on while trying on clothes!’, ‘All garments WILL be inspected upon return!’, and ‘Dressing rooms CAN be monitored at any time!’…I’m guessing they’ve had issues with some hanky panky in here in the past.”
She finished putting on the first dress - a tawdry looking halter dress with lots of studs and chains - and stepped out of the room to get Adam’s input. His look of dismay caused another fit of laugher from her. He pointed her back into the dressing room, and she removed that one and tried on the next. That dress got a similar reaction, so she went back in to try on another one.
The next couple didn’t fit at all, so she skipped showing Adam those. A couple of the dresses weren’t leather but latex, and she dismissed those as well. They were far too tight and sticky. And then…she saw it.
“Are you alive in there?” Adam inquired.
“Sorry, the last couple didn’t fit. But if the one I’m looking at does, I think we’ve found it.”
“I can’t wait to see it.”
She slipped the dress on. It was a cap sleeved, black leather cheongsam style dress, with red leather piping and frog closures, and was embroidered with black silk thread and lined in red silk. It had a high mandarin collar that buckled in the back, a modest keyhole opening in the front, and a very deep keyhole in the back. It was cut so low that her purple lace boyshorts were peeping out. The length was to just below the knees, and it was scandalously slit up both sides to mid hip.
With bright eyes, she pulled the curtain aside and stepped out. Adam let out a low whistle, and smiled appreciatively. He motioned for her to spin around and nodded his approval. As she admired it in the three-way mirror, Adam came up behind her, and put his hands on her shoulders. She met his eyes, and noticed the wolfish smile on his face.
“All I want to do right now is lift up the back of this skirt, and turn your bottom the same lovely shade of red as that lining. So you’d best take it off before I do it, and get us kicked out of the store.”
Elise wiggled her hips back into him, and he grinned. He gave her a swat on the behind and scooted her back towards the dressing room. She laughed and went in to change, and then they carried the dress to the counter.
“Now…shoes,” Adam led her to the shoe section, and they perused the selection. After a few minutes of looking he called her over, “How about these?”
Elise walked over, and saw him holding a pair of simple red leather pumps with a slight platform, and high spike heel. They had a wide ankle strap with a silver buckle and a sturdy ring. She sat down and tried on a pair in her size. She managed the heels well and took a graceful turn in them, surprised that they were more comfortable than they looked.
“They’re perfect!” she exclaimed.
“Wonderful. Why don’t you wander around while I pay for this, and then we’ll go get something to eat.”
“Are you sure I can’t…”
Adam put a finger on her lips, “This is on me. Trust me, showing you off in this outfit will be all the payment I need,” he leaned and kissed her, “among other things,” he winked, and headed to the counter.
After they left, he took her to a small diner nearby. It wasn’t much to look at, but it was clean and the food was greasy and delicious. As they laughed and chatted through dinner, she was seeing a relaxed and more humorous side to Adam, and found it very appealing.
On the drive home, things were quiet but comfortable. When they got to Elise’s, Adam retrieved her things from the trunk of the car, and then he walked her up to her apartment. She invited him in for a drink, and he accepted. Once they settled on the couch, his countenance became more serious once again.
“Elise, I wanted to talk to you about Saturday.”
She turned to him, “I’m glad you brought that up to be honest. I’m very curious…and a little nervous.”
“The place we’re going is a private club, owned by a dear old friend of mine. As you may have guessed, it is BDSM themed, and you will be going there as my submissive partner. I know on the sheet you gave me, you said you weren’t comfortable with doing any sort of play in public, and I want to assure you that will not happen.”
She nodded, and he saw that she was noticeably relieved.
“We are going there mostly to observe. I want to watch how you react to the things you see, so I’ve reserved a private observation room for us. We’ll be able to see other members, but they won’t be able to see us.”
“I’m guessing they know they might be being watched?”
“Oh yes. They get off on that sort of thing.” She tried not to smile, and shook her head a little. Adam put a finger under her chin, and lifted her head so that she was looking at him, “Are you all right?”
“I’m fine, I’m just a little overwhelmed by it all.”
He leaned in and kissed her, “Don’t be nervous,” he whispered, “I’ll be there with you all the way.”
Elise let out a little gasp as he entwined his fingers in her hair, and pulled her head back to expose her neck. His lips trailed down one side, then back up the other. When he reached her ear he growled, “Go to the bedroom, get undressed, and wait for me there.”
At his words, she felt a rush of moisture between her legs. He leaned back and she got up to do as he’d said. He walked into the kitchen and got another drink for himself, and after he figured she’d had enough time, he followed her.
He found her standing naked and still by the bed, obviously unsure of what to do. He glanced at her bed and smiled. The craftsman styled headboard was slatted, and perfect for what he had in mind. He walked up behind her, and ran his hands from her shoulders down her arms. He gripped her wrists and lifted her arms settling them behind his head.
She leaned back into him slightly as his hands began to explore her body, taking in her luscious curves. He cupped her breasts, drawing lazy circles around her nipples with his fingers. Suddenly he pinched them fairly hard.
Elise let out a little “Oh!”, and ground back against him. It had hurt a bit, but it also caused a rush of pleasure to go straight to her core. She pulled him a little closer, and he dragged her hair to the side, and lightly bit her neck.
“Do you have any scarves?” he asked.
She turned to face him, and he cocked an eyebrow at her and smirked. Wordlessly, she went over to her bureau and rummaged in the top drawer, and pulled some out. She handed them to him, and waited. He was pleased…she was trying so hard to remain calm, but he could tell by her breathing and the blush on her cheeks that there was some inner turmoil going on inside her.
“Lie on the bed, and put your hands over your head.”
She did as he ordered, and he walked over and soon had her hands secured to the headboard. She had one leg bent, and slightly crossed over the other, showing her vulnerability. Seeing her this way aroused him greatly, and he began to undress. She watched him intently with equal parts lust and apprehension.
Now as naked as she, he joined her on the bed and lay down next to her. He lightly ran his fingers up and down her torso, feeling the muscles flutter under her skin.
“What is your safe word, my dear?”
Elise had expected this question to come up, and had tried to think of something simple, but not something that would be said often during sex, “I’ve decided on lemon.”
“Lemon,” he repeated, “That should be easy enough to remember.” He pried her legs apart, and adjusted so that he kneeling between them, “You look so beautiful bound, my pet. I’ve wanted to see you like this for a long time.”
He bent over and kissed her gently, and began to move his mouth down her body. He latched onto one nipple and sucked on it, varying the pressure until she was squirming underneath him. He then moved to the other and repeated his actions. He trailed a line of kisses down her belly, stopping to tongue her little belly button.
He grabbed her hips, and held her tightly until she stilled. Spreading her legs even wider, he dipped his head until he was at eye level with her pretty pussy. Using his thumbs, he outlined her now puffy outer lips, and observed the moisture that trickled out from between them. Very slowly he licked it up, using just the tip of his tongue, and he heard her let out a shaky breath. He smiled, blew softly, and felt her shudder.
Adam continued to tease, kissing, nibbling, and licking her everywhere except directly on her clit. She was flushed, dripping, and considering the noises she was making, he was driving her crazy. Elise tried desperately to close her legs around his head, but a light slap on her inner thigh stopped her quick. He kept this up for almost half an hour, until he heard her sob. He looked up at her, and saw two tears slowly tracking down her cheeks.
“Is something wrong, my sweet girl?”
All she could say was “Oh please, oh please…”
“Please what?”
She took a deep breath, “Please, let me come.”
He chuckled, “You’re getting closer, try again.”
Elise was crying in earnest now, “Please, Sir…will you let me come?”
“Good girl…let me see what I can do.”
He lowered his head, and began to circle her clit with his tongue. Her hips lifted off the bed in response, and he took advantage of that to wrap his arms around her thighs to hold her still and sucked on it hard, causing her to cry out. He then nibbled lightly on it, and Elise nearly went out of her head.
Adam finally decided to take mercy on her, and alternated between gently sucking it, and lightly flicking his tongue across it until he felt her stiffen. Just as she was on the brink of a massive climax, he stopped.
Elise began to cry again, and he moved quickly up her body, shoving his hard cock into her in one swift motion. He ground his hips against her giving her clit the last bit of friction it needed to drive her over the edge. She locked her legs around him, and came with a little scream, clenching the walls of her pussy around his cock as he rocked it in and out of her.
Now more concerned with his own pleasure, he began to fuck her hard. She did her best to meet his thrusts, but he could tell she was nearly insensate. To get her to focus, he bit her lightly on her ear, and she turned her head towards him.
“Such pretty tears, my pet,” he whispered, “you are mine now. Do you understand?”
She nodded, and he kissed her, and thrust into her again and again, building up her pleasure as he took his own.
“Come for me, Elise…come for me, my gorgeous little slut.”
His words seemed to awaken something in her, and her motions became more precise. He knelt up, and plunged his cock into her, while using his thumb to rub her clit. She came again, more quietly this time, and her pussy milked his cock until he came with a groan, filling her with his cum.
He looked down at Elise. Her skin was mottled and covered with a sheen of sweat. Her hair was spread across the pillow and her mascara had streaked her face. She was straining against her bindings and still weeping a little, so he reached up and untied the scarves, and she lowered her hands slowly, covering her face with them.
Adam moved alongside her, and gathered her in his arms. He whispered sweet nothings in her ear while he rubbed her back. He kissed her neck, and let her cry into his shoulder. Things had gotten a bit more intense for her than he had planned, and he mentally scolded himself for forgetting that she was new to all of this.
After a few minutes she calmed down and snaked her arms around his neck, and he pulled back to look at her, and wiped away the remains of her tears.
“Are you all right?” he asked, almost hesitantly.
Elise let out a hiccup, and nodded.
“You were perfect, my sweet girl. I pushed you hard tonight, but you were wonderful. Now, be honest with me…did you enjoy it?”
She looked up at him, and gave him a smile that was almost beatific, “It was amazing.”
He took one of her wrists in his hand and kissed her pulse point, and noting the dent left behind by the scarf, rubbed it gently, “This is just the beginning, Elise. We’re going to go on quite a journey together. Do you think you’re ready?”
She snuggled into him, and he held her tight. She kissed along his jaw up to his ear and whispered, “I am.”
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